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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

370VorschaubildInteresting lot of 9 different documents 70,00Bid
371VorschaubildCollection Thurn and Taxis with 90 cancelled values, including some pairs, mixed quality, inspect, Michel approximate 8800.-  650,00Bid
LotPhotoWUERTTEMBERGcat. no.Estimate € 
372Vorschaubild1851, 1 Kr. Black on medium gray yellow silk paper, superb piece of letter, expertized among others Thoma and abridged certificate Irtenkauf, Michel (300.-)1yb 90,00Bid
373Vorschaubild1851, 3 Kr. Black on pale yellow, blue two-line cancel HERRENBERG, horizontal trace of crease otherwise superb piece of letter, expertized Klinkhammer2aI 35,00Bid
374Vorschaubild1851, 6 Kr. Black on blue-green, segment cancel BIBERACH, superb piece of letter3b 25,00Bid
375Vorschaubild1851, 6 Kr. Black on green, silk paper, superb piece of letter, expertized Klinkhammer, Michel 120.-3y 35,00Bid
376Vorschaubild1851, 9 Kr. Black on bright rose, three circle cancel HEILBRONN, superb in every respect (choice copy), expertized Klinkhammer, Michel 130.-4b 40,00Bid
377Vorschaubild1851, 18 Kr. Black on bluish violet, type I, black three circle cancel, top left a little closely otherwise good to large margins all round superb, expertized Thoma, Michel 900.-5I 220,00Bid
378Vorschaubild1859, 1 Kr. Brown, superb, expertized Klinkhammer, Michel 130.-11a 40,00Bid
379Vorschaubild1859, 3 - 9 Kr., without silk thread, 3 superb items, Michel 260.-12-14a 65,00Bid
380Vorschaubild1860, 6 Kr. Light green, thick paper, normal perforation, superb piece of letter, Michel 150.-18xa 40,00Bid
381Vorschaubild1862, 18 Kr. Blue, repaired like superb, Michel (2800.-)20y 290,00Bid
382Vorschaubild1863, 1 Kr. Dark green on wrapper part (addressless), three circle cancel LUDWIGSBURG, small perforation fault otherwise superb25b 50,00Bid
383Vorschaubild1863, 9 Kr. Yellow brown with plate flaw XVI, very fine, abridged certificate Klinkhammer28b PF XVI 60,00Bid
384Vorschaubild1865, 3 Kr. Rose, segment cancel copper, slight trace of crease otherwise superb31a 30,00Bid
385Vorschaubild1867, 18 Kr. Orange yellow, single circle postmark DONZDORF, at the bottom scissors separation, very fine, Michel 1000.-34 150,00Bid
386Vorschaubild1868, 7 Kr. Blue, superb, Michel 200.-35a 50,00Bid
387Vorschaubild1873, 70 Kr. Brown lilac, single circle postmark RAVENSBURG, left with complete separator line, having bright colours extremely fine copy in deeper colour, expertized among others Pfenniger and Buehler, Michel (7000.-)42a 1.800,00Bid
388Vorschaubild42a 1.300,00Bid
389Vorschaubild1890, 5 Pf. Black blue green and 50 Pf. Bright brown red, 2 superb items, Michel 105.-56b,58 30,00Bid
390Vorschaubild1906, 25 Pf. Dark-yellowish-orange, single circle postmark BRACKENHEIM, parcel card, as kept by the post office, superb piece of letter, Michel (90.-)111 25,00Bid
391Vorschaubild1920, 50 and 75 Pf. Farewell issue, 2 superb items, expertized Infla, Michel 125.-148  ,149 40,00Bid
392Vorschaubild1923, 3 - 50 Pf. On 25 Pf. Red orange, unperforated, all from right margin, rest of hinge, very fine set. Michel 125.-184-88PU *40,00Bid
393Vorschaubild1917, 15 Pf. Violet black (2 various colours! ), unperforated, with upper margin, mint never hinged, 2 superb items (1 x slightly affixed), R! Michel (120.-)252PU **30,00Bid
394Vorschaubild1920, farewell issue, very fine set, expertized Infla, Michel 350.-272-81 110,00Bid
395Vorschaubild1893, 2 Pf., rectangular frame, printed matters postcard, with coat of arms, unused, very fine (on the back defects), Michel 70.-DRP 6 no limitBid
LotPhotoWUERTTEMBERG STAMP PARTcat. no.Estimate € 
396VorschaubildALTSHAUSEN, single circle postmark on 2 Pf. Postal stationery postcard, superbDP 3 no limitBid
397VorschaubildJAGSTHAUSEN, three circle cancel on 6 Kr. Blue, superb, expertized Engel32a 35,00Bid
398Vorschaubild"STUTTGART railway station", frame cancel with two lines, partial cancel on 9 Kr. Pale brown, very fine, Michel (150.-)33b 50,00Bid
399VorschaubildNeat lot Kreuzer currency from 119 values and 9 documents, mixed quality with many superb items! Michel more then 13.400.-  1.300,00Bid

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