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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

Table of Contents   -    Favorable exchange rate for foreign buyers EUR/USD = 1,043 und EUR/CHF = 0,943


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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoWUNDERKISTEN, NACHLÄSSEcat. no.Estimate € 
3790VorschaubildA large shoe box full with documents, mostly Germany (old and new), also better as well, inspect 50,00Bid
3791VorschaubildCollector's estate in the box, as well German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) mint never hinged well represented, Hungaria collection and so on, treasure trove!**,  ,*150,00Bid
3792Vorschaubild  ,**,*,  ,450,00Bid
3793VorschaubildInteresting collector's estate in the banana box, with German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) miniature sheet, se-tenant, Federal Republic of Germany / Berlin, but also Europe with Great Britain, Sweden and so on, very low starting price**,  150,00Bid
3794Vorschaubild16 large sized stock books from all over the world in the banana box, treasure trove  ,**,* 150,00Bid
3795VorschaubildCollector's estate: stock books, bags, stock cards and many covers from all over the world, in the large box, treasure trove  ,**,*100,00Bid
3796VorschaubildInteresting lot collections and remains in the moving box, mostly Germany and Europe, favorable, inspect**,  ,*100,00Bid
3797VorschaubildCollector's estate in the large box: covers from all over the world, German Demokratic Republik (East Germany) special feature from Borek subscription (very high purchase value), and so on, low offered, there very unsorted  ,**,  100,00Bid
3798VorschaubildBanana box with stock cards and bags, many souvenir sheets Federal Republic, inspect**,  100,00Bid
3799VorschaubildBanana box full with remainders, mostly Germany and Europe, very favorable  ,**,  ,*100,00Bid
3800VorschaubildCollector's estate in the box: 5 albums postwar Germany, in addition to it 2 annual collections from 1996 / 7  ,**,*100,00Bid
3801VorschaubildClosed stock Germany in the banana box, treasure trove  ,**.*,  100,00Bid
3802Vorschaubild10 large sized stock books with duplicates from all over the world, treasure trove  ,**,*100,00Bid
3803VorschaubildCollector's estate postwar in the box, inspect**,  ,*50,00Bid
3804VorschaubildCollector's estate postwar in the box, inspect**,  ,*50,00Bid
3805VorschaubildBanana box with many unsorted remainders, treasure trove  ,**,*  50,00Bid
3806VorschaubildSmall estate with many documents from the 80s, a album with motif stamps, soaked off values, accessories, and so on, treasure trove  ,**no limitBid
LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS GERMANY AND SO ON.cat. no.Estimate € 
3807VorschaubildBADEN Wuerttemberg, 22 various picture postcards 25,00Bid
3808VorschaubildBavaria, BERCHTESGADEN, 11 various picture postcards 25,00Bid
3809VorschaubildBohemia, 11 various picture postcards 20,00Bid
3810VorschaubildEIDERSTEDT, 29 various unused black / white picture postcards from the 50s no limitBid
3811VorschaubildHamburg, 44 various picture postcards 80,00Bid
3812Vorschaubild 40,00Bid
3813VorschaubildHARZ, WESTHARZ, 16 various picture postcards 25,00Bid
3814VorschaubildKIEL, approximate 1897-1940, collection from 80 different picture postcards, as well 10 coloured lithographies, interesting topics, and so on, in a ring binder 150,00Bid
3815VorschaubildKIEL, collection from 200 different picture postcards in 2 letter albums, with rarely lithographies, many coloured cards and rarely subjects 400,00Bid
3816VorschaubildKIEL, collection from 200 different picture postcards in 2 letter albums, with rarely lithographies, many coloured cards and rarely subjects 390,00Bid
3817VorschaubildKIEL, 60 various picture postcards, as well scarce topics and coloured cards 130,00Bid
3818VorschaubildKIEL, 37 various picture postcards 90,00Bid
3819VorschaubildLINDAU i. Lake Constance, 34 various picture postcards 50,00Bid

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