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catalog for the 499. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME


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Closing date: Monday, October 7th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS VARIOUScat. no.Estimate € 
LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS MISCELLANEAcat. no.Estimate € 
4923Vorschaubild1903, Feast of Corpus Christi picture postcard, RR 50,00Bid
4924VorschaubildGreetings cards: birthday, pentecost, Easter and New year, 16 various cards, fieldpost card from 1915-18 50,00Bid
4925VorschaubildHearty Greetings, decorative, coloured greeting card clamshell no limitBid
4926VorschaubildHorses, 2 various cards from 1899 / 1915, used no limitBid
4927VorschaubildINDRAROT; 3 various promotional picture postcards, reverse 3 various special cancel 20,00Bid
4928VorschaubildLot of 15 different old picture postcards, humorous, patriotic and artist picture cards 25,00Bid
LotPhotoAUTOGRAPHED DOCUMENTScat. no.Estimate € 
4929VorschaubildOtto Julius Bierbaum (1865-1910), German journalist, editor, writer and librettist. Known was he also under the pseudonyms Martin Möbius and Simplicissimus, personally written letter with content, at Filip Kester 150,00Bid
4930Vorschaubild1936, Philipp Bouhler (1899-1945), NSDAP Empire leader, form card with would decline to the society the Berlin friends of the German academy, personally filled, superb 120,00Bid
4931VorschaubildFelix DAHN, small blanco card with dedication and signatur of the Author 35,00Bid
4932VorschaubildErnst Corner stone (1845 - 1900) German writer, 2 personally signed covers from Dresden 100,00Bid
4933VorschaubildHermann Kantorowicz, pseudonymous: Gnäus Flavius (1877 1940), German legal scholar, personally written postcard to Berlin 45,00Bid
4934VorschaubildMödebeck, Hermann W. L. (1857-1910), German aviation universal genius, author and founder several technical periodicals, autograph Presentation his newest propaganda for his illustrated aeronautical messages, arranged at his ohm, postcard from 25.8.1903 from Graudenz, superb 50,00Bid
LotPhotoPHIL. LITERATUREcat. no.Estimate € 
4935VorschaubildThe postal offices and her town cancel respectively place-notes in Schleswig Holstein, from 17th century up to issue new postmark types, from Fritz Klauke, 1975 in the Even publishing house appeared, bound, 157 sides and a few supplements, in good condition30,00Bid
4936Vorschaubild333 years Brunswick post 1535-1867, from Henri Bade, 1960 by Karl Pfannkuch appeared, bound, 197 sides, with a enclosures, some foxingno limitBid
4937VorschaubildOld German States under the magnifying glass - Baden - Luebeck, volume I, 4. Edition, 1956, Ewald Mueller-Mark, 374 sides, bound30,00Bid
4938VorschaubildThe postal history from Brunswick and Hanover, 1981, Hans A. Properly, 223 sides, numerous illustrations, bound35,00Bid
4939VorschaubildKrötzsch handbook the postage stamps knowledge - sections XII, Oldenburg, with pages with images I-VI, 1894, 119 sides, bound, cover slight traces of use70,00Bid
4940VorschaubildThe propaganda insets in the half cancel machines near the post office Hamburg 1 1922 to 1945, handbook and cancel catalogue, volume 166, 2004, new serie of fonts the Postmark guild, 77 sidesno limitBid
4941VorschaubildThe Columbia letter cancellation machine, history - handbook - catalogue, booklet 53, 2003, Infla Berlin, 132 sidesno limitBid
4942VorschaubildThe rocket post - her development and first attempt, precursor stamps, cancel and flights, 1. Part: Germany, Guenther Heyd, 16 sidesno limitBid
4943VorschaubildThe balloon from Paris 1870-71, 1970, Gunther Heyd, 55 sides, with some illustrationsno limitBid
4944VorschaubildExpress postal service Berlin / Berlin pneumatic post 1948 - 1963, handbook from ibex and blanket, pockets book, 1976 appeared, 212 sides, traces of use20,00Bid
4945VorschaubildCatalogue of the Cartes maximum de France, 1959, 106 sides, with various pencil notes, in Frenchno limitBid
4946VorschaubildParis Par Moulins - Illustrerede skildringer fra belejringen 1870 / 71, I Samarbejde med Wolfgang Jakubek, 1969, Guenther Heyd, 108 sides, with many illustrations, bound, in Danishno limitBid
4947VorschaubildLiechtenstein - handbook and catalogue 1953, 3. Edition, winner, 271 sides, boundno limitBid
4948VorschaubildCatalogue over Norges helpost 1872-1972, 1971, oslo Filatelistklubb, 79 sides, in Norwegian and Englishno limitBid
4949VorschaubildNew postal stationery catalogue 2. Delivery / Europe Germany the old German states: Baden to Thurn and Taxis and Heligoland tooled from Walter Beckhaus, pockets book, 1. January 1956, handwritten notes and traces of use20,00Bid
4950VorschaubildThe private Ship letter Stamps of the World, part 1 The Caribbean, By S. Ringström and H. E. Probe, 166 sides, with numerous coloured and SW illustration, and all original Facsimiles, in good condition35,00Bid
4951VorschaubildUno philately handbook hb 76 - first flight letters the United nations 1959-1976 and UNOP hb 78 addendum and forerunner, 2 catalogues, Copyright 1977 / 8 by Wolff Hanke, traces of useno limitBid
LotPhotoPHIL. CATALOGUEScat. no.Estimate € 
4952VorschaubildMichel: Germany, handbook catalogue souvenir sheets and miniature sheet, 1st issue, selling price 69, 80, original packagingno limitBid

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