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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoPRIVATE POST LEIPZIGcat. no.Estimate € 
453Vorschaubild1886-97, lot of 340 values, with C 7, 9, D 7, from F 2-19, among others with Michel number 19 (79 x), many colour shades, mostly superb  170,00Bid
LotPhotoPRIVATE POST MÃœLHEIM / RHEINcat. no.Estimate € 
454Vorschaubild1893 / 6, 2 Pf. Milk blue and 2 Pf. Green, lot of 73 values, no. 1 partly in parts of a sheet, no. 3 also unperforated and partially perforated, mostly superbA 1,B 3 (*),*100,00Bid
LotPhotoPRIVATE POST MUNICHcat. no.Estimate € 
455VorschaubildCourier: 31.3.1900, 1 ½ Pf. Dark blue, 5 time on so-called Death advertisement from last day, very fine, R!80,00Bid
LotPhotoPRIVATE POST PLAUENcat. no.Estimate € 
456Vorschaubild1891, 2 Pf. Blue with double oval cancel thick and Swiss franc and adhesive label Edward Swiss franc, violet Wagenradzierstempel PLAUEN i. V., very scarce superb postcardMüller P 4III 300,00Bid
LotPhotoHORSESHOE CANCELcat. no.Estimate € 
457VorschaubildLuebeck, (Sp no. 22-1, 2, 4), 3 values in mixed conditionDR 40,00Bid
458VorschaubildLuebeck, 21.3.74 (Sp no. 22-4) on cover to Nuremberg with 1 Gr. Red carmine, very fineDR 19 20,00Bid
LotPhotoRAILWAY POSTcat. no.Estimate € 
459Vorschaubild"Berlin Hamburg" (various trains and types) 1907-1938, 7 documents very fine 35,00Bid
460VorschaubildBremen Norddeich (Zug 107 (3 x) and 109 (2 x) ), 1904-1935, 5 documents mostly superb 35,00Bid
461Vorschaubild"Elmshorn Itzehoe", three lines frame cancel as arrival postmark always on cover to Itzehoe and Meldorf, very fine 20,00Bid
462VorschaubildFrankfurt Karlsruhe Basle, 1911, on 2 international postcards to Switzerland, very fine 40,00Bid
463Vorschaubild"Hagenow Kiel" (Zug 306 (5 x) and 1306), 1903-1913, 6 documents very fine / superb 50,00Bid
464VorschaubildHamburg Kiel, 20 different documents, 1892-1964, mostly superb 80,00Bid
465Vorschaubild"Hamburg Neubrandenburg" (Zug 8 (2 x), 307 and 308 (4 x), 1887-1928, 7 cards very fine 35,00Bid
466VorschaubildHanover Wilhelmshaven (Zug 538, 676, 875 and 876 (3 x) ), 6 documents, very fine / superb 20,00Bid
467Vorschaubild"heather Büsum" (Zug 1143-1145, 1155 (2 x) and 1156), 6 documents mostly superb 40,00Bid
468VorschaubildKiel Ascheberg II, three-line cancel on 10 Pfe. Carmine, a little blotched small letterDR 33 30,00Bid
469Vorschaubild"Leipzig Riesa Dresden" (Zug 2), 1907, reverse on insured letter from Düsseldorf, superb 30,00Bid
470VorschaubildCathedral Emden (various trains and types), 1896-1961, 12 documents, a letter piece and a bag flag, mostly superb 30,00Bid
471Vorschaubild"Neumünster Kiel" (Zug 55, 62, 63 and 653) 1888-1890, 4 documents, in addition to it a old picture postcard from railway station Einfeld, very fine 35,00Bid
472VorschaubildOcholt Friesoyte (Zug 310, 1128 and),? 1935-1944, 3 documents very fine 20,00Bid
473Vorschaubild"Rheine Emden" (Zug 55 (2 x), 153 (2 x) and 154), 1886-1894, 5 documents very fine 30,00Bid
474VorschaubildApproximate. 1897-1936, 24 covers and postal stationery German Reich with different railway cancel (TPO), very fine / superb 150,00Bid
475VorschaubildLight railway Kiel Schönberg, 1906-22, collection from 32 partly rarely railway freight stamps, with also inflation period issues (not in the Düsterbehn catalogue itemized! )  ,*250,00Bid
LotPhotoSPECIAL CANCELLATIONcat. no.Estimate € 
476VorschaubildGerman STä DTEAUSSTELLUNG 1903 IN DRESDEN on superb cover with 10 Pf. Germania12 20,00Bid
477VorschaubildLEIPZIG, 1913 / 1 Consecration of the Battle of Nations monument and world exhibition for book trade and graphics, machine cancel, 2 special cards, superb30,32 20,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN REICH SHIELDScat. no.Estimate € 
478Vorschaubild1872, ¼ Gr. Gray violet, a number of rest of hinges, having bright colours superb item, Michel 300.-1 *90,00Bid
479Vorschaubild1872, ¼ Gr. Gray violet in the horizontal strip of four on piece, rare single circle postmark CZYCHEN, photo expertize summer: . In fresh heller colour, clear embossed, perfect perforated. The two of them right values are near the affix a little in the perforation compressed, it is a unit. The stamps are excellent condition.450,00Bid
480Vorschaubild1872, 1/3 Gr. Yellowish green with first day postmark "PIRNA 1.1.72", small edge nick otherwise superb, photo expertize Brugger2a 280,00Bid
481Vorschaubild1872, 1/3 Gr. Yellowish green with first day postmark BERLIN post EXP., superb piece of letter, RR! Expertized Hennies2a 500,00Bid
482Vorschaubild1872, ½ Gr. Brick red with centered first day postmark ALTONA 1.1.72, superb in every respect (choice copy), RR! Photo expertize Brugger1.000,00Bid

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