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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoROCKET POSTcat. no.Estimate € 
LotPhotoSEMI-OFFICIAL FLIGHT STAMPScat. no.Estimate € 
1032Vorschaubild1912, 50 Pf. Margaret Festival, rest of hinge, 5 superb items in different colour shades4 *90,00Bid
1033Vorschaubild1912, 50 Pf. Pale blue "Margaret Festival", mint never hinged, superb, Michel 130.-4a **35,00Bid
1034Vorschaubild1912, 10 Pf. Airmail Gotha with horizontal se-tenant 5 Pf. Germania + photograph papers Satrup, address blackened, cancelled by name signum Schlegel and Erford 25.7.12, cards, the with the airmail were transported, are anyway already rare (about 1000 pieces transported), might the combination with the se-tenant seeming to be unique. Superb, RR!5,W 2.13 1.000,00Bid
1035Vorschaubild1912, 10 Pf. Airmail Gotha besides 5 Pf. Germania on legitimate postcard from Langensalza, small defects, very fine, Michel 1100.-280,00Bid
1036Vorschaubild1912, 10 Pf. Black Regensburger airman days with 2 time 5 Pf. Luitpold (a piece of the right stamp near the glue torn and in the left lower corner the card fixed) on foreign-card to Italy, superb, RR!750,00Bid
1039Vorschaubild1913, 25 Pf. Mulhouse Feldberg besides unused 5 Pf. Germania, centered special cancel from 11.9.1912, minimal blotched, superb postcard10 250,00Bid
1040Vorschaubild1925, Regensburg Easter flight days with 10 Pf. Wood-pigeon on celebration postcard Ernst Udet, 20 Pf. From of the right lower corner of the sheet, flown card with confirmation stamp with airplane D 409 transported, superb, R! Abridged certificate Dr. Oechsner15/6 500,00Bid
1041Vorschaubild19.10.1930, 1. Hessian gliding mail, airmail with complete imprinted miniature sheet to 6 values with violet cancel transported with sailplane Hessen and 3 values additional franking with postmark GREBENHAIN, large Airmail rarity, superb cover, RRR!20 1.000,00Bid
LotPhotoBALLOON FLIGHTS 1897 1916cat. no.Estimate € 
1042Vorschaubild26.6.1909, Upper Rhine association the airship aviation Strassburg, droped from balloon "STRASSBURG" with Finding memo, postal mailing in Neulautern at the 3.9.1909, superb postcard 700,00Bid
1043Vorschaubild20.10.1912, Leipzig association for airship aviation, droped from balloon "LEIPZIG", postal mailing in Dresden, violet cancel "postage Controle Nuremberg" to the tax the without prepaid postage card, superb 600,00Bid
1044Vorschaubild17.6.1913, royally Bavarian automobile club Munich, postal mailing in Augsburg, superb postcard to Munich, R! 300,00Bid
1045Vorschaubild5.4.1914, Cologne club for airship aviation, droped from balloon "HARDEFUST", postal mailing in Cologne at the 6.4.14 to the first lieutenant Necher, the later liaison officer between Austrian and German airship troops in Fischamend, franked with 5 Pf. Germania as German Austrian union rate, superb postcard 650,00Bid
LotPhotoAVIATION IN THE I. WORLD WARcat. no.Estimate € 
1046Vorschaubild1915, royally. PREUSS. FLIEGERBATT. 1, blue letter cancel on fieldpost card from DÖBERITZ-ÃœBUNGSPLSTZ to Haseldorf, superb 20,00Bid
1047Vorschaubild1918, "airmail - 1. JUN 1918 Cologne", red three lines frame cancel on fieldpost letter with letter cancel "R airplane substitute battalion Cologne" from Hanover to Berlin, very fine, R! 290,00Bid
LotPhotoFIRST AND FIRST FIGHTcat. no.Estimate € 
1048Vorschaubild27.17.02 40,00Bid
1049Vorschaubild27.21.04 20,00Bid
1050Vorschaubild27.37.03 30,00Bid
1051Vorschaubild23.4.1928, "Berlin-Cologne", superb cover, R!28.11.01 80,00Bid
1052Vorschaubild28.12.03 20,00Bid
1053Vorschaubild1.6.1928, Venice Berlin, superb cover28.35.04 30,00Bid
1054Vorschaubild1.5.1929, "Hamburg Antwerpen", superb cover29.5.02 15,00Bid
1055Vorschaubild3.6.1929, "Munich Klagenfurth", superb postcard29.18.02 30,00Bid
1056Vorschaubild16.5.1930, Hanover Copenhagen, superb cover30.23.07 25,00Bid
1057Vorschaubild4.10.1937, "Brussels-Munich", superb postcard37.8.06 40,00Bid
LotPhotoLATER FLIGHTS (SPF)cat. no.Estimate € 
1058Vorschaubild22.8.1923, Munich Constance, superb cover with good airmail franking (front- and reverse), superb21.7.01 80,00Bid
1059Vorschaubild2.5.1932, Munich Berlin, superb cover32.2.01 no limitBid
1060Vorschaubild31.8.1925, 6. German Rhönsegelflug, 15 Pf. Airmail postal stationery postcard with blue additional imprint and additional franking to Switzerland, very fine, R!P 155 100,00Bid
1061Vorschaubild31.8.1925, 6. German Rhönsegelflug, 5 and 10 Pf. Wood-pigeon on airmail postcard with inverted blue impression! Superb postcard, probably the only one exists!DR 344/5 250,00Bid

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