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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoGERMAN. BES. I. WW COLLECTIONS, LOTScat. no.Estimate € 
1314Vorschaubild 20,00Bid
1315Vorschaubild1914 / 18, collection occupied areas, including belgian occupied Territories, over 200 values in the Lindner album with mounts, very fine / superb*,**,  180,00Bid
LotPhotoARMY POSTAL SERVICE I. WWcat. no.Estimate € 
1316Vorschaubild1914 fieldpost card from the Red Cross union hospital Görden by Brandenburg to Kiel, with red sickbay stamp, very fine 25,00Bid
1317Vorschaubild1915, fieldpost letter with violet military cancel airman department no. 3 cashpoint administration the K. D. FELDPOSTEXPED. 39. INF. DIV. To Herzsprung, superb 20,00Bid
1318Vorschaubild1916, army postal service picture postcard with violet letter cancel Imperial navy - lake flight station LIBAU the K. D. Fieldpost station office no. 168 to Mannheim, superb 20,00Bid
1319Vorschaubild1917, army postal service letter-card, army postal service Station No. 103, overprint card to the best of the Red Cross the Rhine province with 5 Kreuzpfennig donation stamp, violet three circle cancel Reserve. Foot artillery RGT. Number. 13, 10. Battery, very fine 20,00Bid
1320Vorschaubild1919, Imperial Armed Forces army postal service picture postcard from LEIPZIG to the in the King-Albert-barracks stationed Empire sore regiment 38 in Chemnitz, superb 35,00Bid
1321VorschaubildJETTINGEN (OBERELS. ), 18.10.15 on fieldpost card to Copenhagen, blue censorship stamp Mulhouse (Els), P. K. Expertized and to convey, very fine 50,00Bid
1322VorschaubildLocal letter with violet single circle postmark Bavarian Hospital LTTICH, very fine (vertical folded) 25,00Bid
1323Vorschaubild1920, 20 Pf. Lilac ultramarine, superb, abridged certificate Wasels, Michel 150.-19a 50,00Bid
1324VorschaubildNot issued: 1920, 40 Pf. Bright red carmine, mint never hinged, superb, expertized among others Dr. Hochstädter, Michel 200.-I **60,00Bid
1325Vorschaubild1920, 5 M. Ultramarine / pale red, superb piece of letter, Michel 120.-14a 40,00Bid
1326Vorschaubild1923, 80 - 300 M. Postal stamps, mostly with upper margin, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel (240.-)17-20 **80,00Bid
1327Vorschaubild1923, 80 - 300 M. Postal stamps, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 240.-17-20 **75,00Bid
1328Vorschaubild1920, 75 Pf. Black green, one short perf and small spot otherwise superb piece of letter, abridged certificate Gruber, Michel 1300.-24b 260,00Bid
1329Vorschaubild1921, referendum, 6 superb items, expertized Gruber, Michel 131.-30-35 40,00Bid
1330VorschaubildEastern Upper Silesia: 1921, 10 - 40 F. And 60 F. Insurgenten-edition, imperforated, 5 superb items, Michel 220.-1-4,6B   60,00Bid
1331VorschaubildEastern Upper Silesia: 1921, 20, 40 and 60 F. Insurgenten-edition, always in the strip of four, partly adhesions otherwise superb2,4xB,6yB *,**40,00Bid
1332VorschaubildEastern Upper Silesia: 1921, 40 Pf. Dark gray green, imperforated, with plate flaw F in right indication of value like inverted Y (field 31), in a horizontal pair with normal stamp, mint never hinged, superb4B PF I **60,00Bid
1333VorschaubildEastern Upper Silesia: 1921, 40 Pf. Dark gray green, unperforated, 3 various cancel, among others BAUERWITZ, superb4B 25,00Bid
1334Vorschaubild1-14P U (*)300,00Bid
1335Vorschaubild1920, 2 Pf. Dark olive green, imperforated proof print with overprint MAK, mint never hinged, superb, Michel - .2P 2 **40,00Bid
1336Vorschaubild1920, 7 ½ Pf. Yellow brown, unperforated proof with overprint MAK, mint never hinged, superb, Michel - .3P 2 **40,00Bid
1337Vorschaubild1920, 35 Pf. Brown, imperforated proof print with overprint MAK, mint never hinged, superb, Michel - .8P 2 **40,00Bid
1338Vorschaubild1920, 75 Pf. Dark blue green, unperforated proof with inverted overprint MAK, mint never hinged, superb10P 2K **80,00Bid
1339Vorschaubild1920, 1. Zone, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 180.-15-28 **50,00Bid
1340Vorschaubild1920, 15 Pf. Lilac with rare cancel FRIEFELD, in addition to it 4 unused postal stationery postcards P 1-3 and P 5, superbP 3 35,00Bid
LotPhotoSAARcat. no.Estimate € 
1341Vorschaubild1920, 2 Pf. Dark blue gray (hatched background) overprint by mistake on German Reich Michel number 83 I in lieu of Michel number 102, (field 79), mint never hinged, superb, R! Photo expertize brownA 1 **5.000,00Bid
1342Vorschaubild1920, 2 Pf. Dark blue gray (hatched background), overprint irrtümlich on German Reich Michel number 83 I in lieu of on Michel number 102, with overprint plate flaw: PF D "bar division vertical 3 / 4 to 1 / 4" (field 98), mint never hinged, superb, RR! Photo expertize brown, Michel (13.000.-)A1 PF D **5.200,00Bid
1343Vorschaubild3I F IV **800,00Bid

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