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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

1334Vorschaubild1-14P U (*)300,00Bid
1335Vorschaubild1920, 2 Pf. Dark olive green, imperforated proof print with overprint MAK, mint never hinged, superb, Michel - .2P 2 **40,00Bid
1336Vorschaubild1920, 7 ½ Pf. Yellow brown, unperforated proof with overprint MAK, mint never hinged, superb, Michel - .3P 2 **40,00Bid
1337Vorschaubild1920, 35 Pf. Brown, imperforated proof print with overprint MAK, mint never hinged, superb, Michel - .8P 2 **40,00Bid
1338Vorschaubild1920, 75 Pf. Dark blue green, unperforated proof with inverted overprint MAK, mint never hinged, superb10P 2K **80,00Bid
1339Vorschaubild1920, 1. Zone, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 180.-15-28 **50,00Bid
1340Vorschaubild1920, 15 Pf. Lilac with rare cancel FRIEFELD, in addition to it 4 unused postal stationery postcards P 1-3 and P 5, superbP 3 35,00Bid
LotPhotoSAARcat. no.Estimate € 
1341Vorschaubild1920, 2 Pf. Dark blue gray (hatched background) overprint by mistake on German Reich Michel number 83 I in lieu of Michel number 102, (field 79), mint never hinged, superb, R! Photo expertize brownA 1 **5.000,00Bid
1342Vorschaubild1920, 2 Pf. Dark blue gray (hatched background), overprint irrtümlich on German Reich Michel number 83 I in lieu of on Michel number 102, with overprint plate flaw: PF D "bar division vertical 3 / 4 to 1 / 4" (field 98), mint never hinged, superb, RR! Photo expertize brown, Michel (13.000.-)A1 PF D **5.200,00Bid
1343Vorschaubild3I F IV **800,00Bid
1345Vorschaubild1920, 25 Pf. Reddish orange / black on yellow-white with overprint flaw KII, superb, expertized brown, Michel 90.-9aKII 30,00Bid
1346Vorschaubild1920, 30 Pf. Dark red orange / black on orange white, type I, rest of hinge, superb, abridged certificate brown, Michel 280.-10yI *100,00Bid
1347Vorschaubild1920, 30 Pf. Dark red orange / black on orange white, type I, rest of hinges, one short perf otherwise superb, abridged certificate brown, Michel 280.-10yI *65,00Bid
1348Vorschaubild10yI **180,00Bid
1349Vorschaubild1920, 35 Pf. Reddish brown, type III, as usual perforated, superb, expertized Haslau, Michel 75.-11III 20,00Bid
1352Vorschaubild1920, 3 M. Bavaria Sarre, superb, expertized Haslau, Michel 200.-29 60,00Bid
1353Vorschaubild1920, 5 M. Bavaria Sarre with overprint variety small A (field 15), superb piece of letter, RR! Photo expertize Burger, Michel (3000.-)30II 900,00Bid
1356Vorschaubild1921, landscape pictures II, rest of hinge, very fine set, Michel 80.-70-83 *20,00Bid
1357Vorschaubild1921, landscape pictures II, very fine set, Michel 90.-70-83 25,00Bid
1359Vorschaubild1922 / 3, landscape pictures III and IV, rest of hinges, 2 superb sets, Michel 160.-84-101 *45,00Bid
1360Vorschaubild1922, 75 C. Earthenware factory in the block of four from the lower margin, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 180.-93   **60,00Bid
1361Vorschaubild1923, 75 C. Earthenware factory, unperforated, in the horizontal margin pair, right stamp with variety floodlight in the middle the quay bulkhead (field 2), mint never hinged, superb, R! Photo expertize Ney101U   **220,00Bid
1362Vorschaubild1925, 10 Fr. Madonna with plate flaw right line over the pedestal on the right-hand side, rest of hinges, superb, Michel 60.-103IV *20,00Bid
1363Vorschaubild1926, 20 C. War welfare with plate flaw frame over T from Saar region broken, superb, abridged certificate Geigle, Michel 200.-104I 65,00Bid
1364Vorschaubild1926, 40 Pf. "care of the sick" with plate flaw "dot top right in O besides peoples help", large rest of hinge, superb, Michel 100.-105I *30,00Bid
1365Vorschaubild1928, 10 Fr. Paintings I with machine cancel SAARBRÃœCKEN 2 x (BHF), superb, photo expertize Hoffmann BPP, Michel 5000.-134 1.300,00Bid
1366Vorschaubild1929, paintings II, rest of hinge, very fine set, Michel 90.-135-41 *25,00Bid
1367Vorschaubild144-50   **540,00Bid
1368Vorschaubild1931, 40 C. - 3 Fr. Paintings III, always in the block of eight from margin, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 1544.-144-49 **300,00Bid
1369Vorschaubild1931, paintings III, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 450.-144-50 **130,00Bid

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