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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoFREE CITY GDANSKcat. no.Estimate € 
1387Vorschaubild1920, 10 Pf, carmine red, superb, expertized Gruber and Infla, Michel 150.-2a 50,00Bid
1388Vorschaubild1920, 1.25 M. Bluish green, superb, abridged certificate Gruber, Michel 300.-9b 90,00Bid
1389Vorschaubild1920, 2 - 5 M. Gdansk, 5 superb items, expertized Gruber and Infla, Michel 263.-11-15   70,00Bid
1390Vorschaubild1920, 2 M. Blackish blue, used within the period of validity, superb piece of letter, RR! Photo expertize Gruber, Michel (1800.-)11c 540,00Bid
1391Vorschaubild1920, 2 M. Blackish blue, used within the period of validity, small spot otherwise superb piece of letter, RR! Expertized Kniep and photo expertize Gruber, Michel 1800.-11c 450,00Bid
1392Vorschaubild1920, 3 M. Violet black, superb, expertized Infla and Gruber, Michel 130.-13a 40,00Bid
1393Vorschaubild1920, 3 M. Violet black, above missing tooth, expertized Gruber and Infla, Michel 130.-13a 20,00Bid
1394Vorschaubild1920, 4 M. And 5 M. Berlin overprint, 2 superb items, expertized Gruber and Infla, Michel 90.-14  ,15B   25,00Bid
1395Vorschaubild1920, 60 on 30 Pf., double overprint, superb, expertized Gruber and Infla, Michel 200.-19DDII 60,00Bid
1396Vorschaubild1920, 2 M. On 35 Pf., light grey burelage, tips downward, used within the period of validity (package card invalidation from Gdansk 1), superb, photo expertize Gruber, Michel 700.-28II 220,00Bid
1397Vorschaubild1920, 2 M. On 35 Pf., light grey burelage, tips downward, date-appropriate security stamp impression from Gdansk 1, superb, photo expertize Söcknick, Michel 700.-28II 200,00Bid
1398Vorschaubild1920, 2 M. On 35 Pf., light grey burelage, tips downward, on small parcel card, as kept by the post office, superb, expertized Dr. Oechsner and Infla, Michel 700.-28II 220,00Bid
1399Vorschaubild1920, 40 Pf. Carmine red / black values only for franking by the postal service, superb, expertized Kniep and Infla, Michel 250.-38a 75,00Bid
1400Vorschaubild1920, 50 Pf. Values only for franking by the postal service, used within the period of validity Gdansk 5 b, superb, photo expertize Dr. Oechsner, Michel 1000.-39 350,00Bid
1401Vorschaubild1920, 2 M. On 35 Pf., purplish gray burelage, tips downward, security post cancel, superb, abridged certificate Tworek, Michel 330.-43II 90,00Bid
1402Vorschaubild1920, 60 Pf. On 40 Pf. Airmail with overprint flaw right 60 above flattened and right brace broken, superb, expertized Gruber and Infla, Michel 200.-51II 60,00Bid
1403Vorschaubild1921, 1 M. Reddish orange / carmine red with variety n in Gdansk above broken, superb, expertized Tworek and Infla, Michel 100.-83IV 30,00Bid
1404Vorschaubild1921, tuberculosis week always on piece with postmarks Gdansk 5 e *, very fine set, last piece of the set expertized Gruber and Infla, Michel 400.-90-92 120,00Bid
1405Vorschaubild1922, 50 M. And 100 M. Large national coat of arms, watermark 2 X, always in the right lower corner margin block of four, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (288.-)100/1Xb   **85,00Bid
1406Vorschaubild1922, 50 M. Red / gold, watermark 2 X, rest of hinge, superb, Michel 70.-100Xa *25,00Bid
1407Vorschaubild1922, 50 M. Lilac red / gold, watermark 2 X, used within the period of validity, superb, photo expertize Gruber, Michel 300.-100Xb 100,00Bid
1408Vorschaubild1922, 6 on 3 M. Carmine red in the block of four, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 60.-106b   **20,00Bid
1409Vorschaubild1923, 500 and 1000 M. Postal stamps, very fine / superb, expertized Infla, Michel 66.-120/1 no limitBid
1410Vorschaubild1923, 50 M. Middle greenish blue, watermark 4 (flag), without background rosettes, superb, expertized Gruber and Infla, Michel 100.-127YF 30,00Bid
1411Vorschaubild1923, 250 M., 1000 M. And 500.000 M., without underprinting (burelage), 3 superb items, expertized Kniep, Michel 160.-143,144,157F **40,00Bid
1412Vorschaubild1923, 40 - 250 T and 1 million. On 10000 M. In block of four, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 294.-158-60,163   **80,00Bid
1413Vorschaubild1923, postal stamps, Michel number 161 and 162 rest of hinge otherwise very fine set mint never hinged158-68 **25,00Bid
1414Vorschaubild1923, 10 million. On 1 million. M., red orange, used within the period of validity, superb, abridged certificate Gruber, Michel 120.-168 40,00Bid
1415Vorschaubild1923, 5 million. On 10000 M. In lieu of 50000 M. Bright red, in the horizontal strip of three with 2 normal stamps, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (170.-)180FI **60,00Bid
1416Vorschaubild1923, 5 G. On 1 million. M. Lilac red, used within the period of validity, left lower corner perforation added to otherwise superb, photo expertize Gruber, Michel 700.-192 160,00Bid

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