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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoSAARLANDcat. no.Estimate € 
2403Vorschaubild1947, 75 Pf. Dark ultramarine, imperforated proof print in the vertical pair, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 400.-222XP U   **90,00Bid
2404Vorschaubild1947, 2 Fr. On 12 Pf. Black-gray olive, watermark 1 Y, unperforated, in a horizontal pair, mint never hinged, superb, expertized study group Saar, Michel 360.-229YIU   **110,00Bid
2405Vorschaubild1947, 50 Fr. On 1 M. Initial printing, rest of hinge, superb, expertized study group Saar, Michel 70.-238I *15,00Bid
2406Vorschaubild1948, 25 Fr. Airmail, superb piece of letter, abridged certificate Geigle, Michel (300.-)259 90,00Bid
2407Vorschaubild1949, peoples help in pairs from of the right upper corner of the sheet, rest of hinges in the margin, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 240.-267-71 **75,00Bid
2408Vorschaubild1949, peoples help, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 120.-267-71 **30,00Bid
2409Vorschaubild1949 / 51, Saar IV, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 140.-272-88 **40,00Bid
2410Vorschaubild1950, 15 Fr. IBASA, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 100.-291 **25,00Bid
2411Vorschaubild1950, 15 Fr. IBASA with special cancel from 24.4. On maximum card, superb291 85,00Bid
2412Vorschaubild1950, Council of Europe, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 230.-297/8 **65,00Bid
2413Vorschaubild1950, Council of Europe in the block of four from of the lower right corner of the sheet with separated date of printing, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 200.-297   **50,00Bid
2414Vorschaubild1950, Council of Europe, 2 margin copies with date of printing 1.8.1950, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 550.-297/8Br **170,00Bid
2415Vorschaubild1950, 200 Fr. "airmail", very fine (small roughening), expertized Ney, Michel 310.-298 65,00Bid
2416Vorschaubild1950, peoples help, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 75.-299-303 **15,00Bid
2417Vorschaubild1953, 500 Fr. Ludwig church, superb piece of letter, expertized Ney, Michel 80.-337 20,00Bid
2418Vorschaubild1957, "Heuss I", very fine set, Michel 75.-380-99 15,00Bid
LotPhotoSAARLAND COLLECTIONS, LOTScat. no.Estimate € 
2419Vorschaubild1947 / 57, lot different cancelled values, from Michel number 206 to 398, Michel approximate 720,-206-398 90,00Bid
2420Vorschaubild1947-59, mint never hinged, in the main numbers complete collection Saarland in the KA-BE album with mounts, including utterly perfectly souvenir sheet pair and official stamps, superb collection **760,00Bid
2421Vorschaubild1947-59, except for initial printing, souvenir sheets and official stamps complete collection with hinge remnants on Schaubek album pages, superb *140,00Bid
2422Vorschaubild1947-56, mostly cancelled collection Saarland with various middle issues, almost only superb condition  ,*110,00Bid
2423Vorschaubild1945, 10 Pf. Rhineland, superb, expertized Wehner, Michel 75.-15,00Bid
2424Vorschaubild1945, 5 M. Heine, superb, expertized Schlegel, Michel 90.-13 25,00Bid
LotPhotoFRENCH ZONE BADENcat. no.Estimate € 
2425Vorschaubild1949, 90 Pf. Brown carmine, superb, expertized Schlegel, Michel 100.-37 25,00Bid
2426Vorschaubild1949, souvenir sheet pair Freiburg, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 150.-Bl. 1A/B **40,00Bid
2427Vorschaubild1949, souvenir sheet Freiburg, perforated, with variety buzzer besides pedestal of the Engels, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Schlegel, Michel 300.-Bl. 1AI **75,00Bid
2428Vorschaubild1949, souvenir sheet "Freiburg", perforated, with variety "buzzer besides pedestal of the Engels", mint never hinged, very fine, expertized Schlegel, Michel 300.-Bl. 1AI **60,00Bid
2429Vorschaubild1949, souvenir sheet Freiburg, unperforated, with variety 20 Pf. With bar over second E in reconstruction, mint never hinged, gum in the margin partly a little blotched otherwise superb, Michel 300.-Bl. 1BV **55,00Bid
2430Vorschaubild1949, Red Cross and Göthe, rest of hinge, 3 superb sets, Michel 87.-42-45,47-52 *20,00Bid
2431Vorschaubild1949, Red Cross, unperforated, very fine set, Michel 80.-42-45B (*)20,00Bid
2432Vorschaubild1949, souvenir sheet Red Cross, type II: colour spot at the bottom of the 40, superb, Michel 140.-Bl. 2II/II (*)40,00Bid

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