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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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STAMPS (3806)

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

338Vorschaubild144 (REINBECK) on vertical pair 1 ¼ S. Medium blue / weissrosa, superb, photo expertize C. A. M.7    180,00Bid
339Vorschaubild168 (KIEL railway station) on 1 ¼ S. Medium blue / weissrosa, letter to Hamburg, very fine, R!55,00Bid
340VorschaubildLot of 76 values and 5 documents, in mixed condition, as well 4 abridged certificates from C. A. Möller, inspect, Michel 5000.-  ,(*)350,00Bid
LotPhotoS. H. ARMY POSTAL SERVICEcat. no.Estimate € 
341Vorschaubild1850, Schleswig-Holstein army postal service, single circle postmark with date on cover from Rendsburg to Itzehö, on the back official seal DEPARTEMENT of the War, superb, R! 150,00Bid
342Vorschaubild1809, postal form from field post office Itzehö (handwritten) over a cover from heather, superb 40,00Bid
343Vorschaubild1814, letter with seal with content from Kiel to Husum, complete varnish seal royally: / to the Besitzn: the / to räumenden Duchy. : and so on. / arranged / commission, superb 55,00Bid
344VorschaubildTwo ring cancel railway station KIELER Z1, offical matter from Commandant SKARET (complete lacquer seal) to the Schlesw. Holst. WAR DEPARTMENT in Rendsburg, superb 40,00Bid
345VorschaubildApproximate. 1849, letter from "KIEL" (R1) to Lunden, reverse complete lacquer seal from "Departement of the warfare IV te department", superb 20,00Bid
346VorschaubildFRANKFURT on M., 3 various postal forms (1863-65), superb 25,00Bid
347Vorschaubild1846, three circle cancel Hamburg Th&T on cover with content from Stockholm, with courier to Hamburg and thence in the Champagne, various transit postmark and rate markings 80,00Bid
LotPhotoTHURN AND TAXIScat. no.Estimate € 
348Vorschaubild1852, 1 Sgr. Black on blue, centered tentative single circle postmark HANAU, small thin otherwise superb, expertized Pfenniger35,00Bid
349Vorschaubild1852, 1 Sgr. Black on blue, enormous margins on all sides, superb in every respect (choice copy)30,00Bid
350Vorschaubild1852, 6 Kr. Black on gray red, diagonally one-line cancel BIEBRICH, touched on two sides, very fine9a 30,00Bid
351Vorschaubild11b 100,00Bid
352Vorschaubild1861, ¼ Sgr. Reddish orange, nummeral cancel 231, full to having huge margins, superb13 25,00Bid
353Vorschaubild1861, 3 Sgr. Brown red with large right margin (13 mm), two ring cancel GROSSBREITENBACH, two-sided cut into otherwise decorative superb piece of letter, expertized Helbig17 40,00Bid
354VorschaubildMixed franking: 1859, 5 Sgr. Brown purple (two-sided touched lightly) with 3 Sgr. Medium brown ocher on piece with nummeral cancellations 392 (Luebeck), decorative superb piece of letter, expertized Pfenniger18,40 250,00Bid
355Vorschaubild1864, ¼ Sgr. Black in the vertical on all sides full margins pair, nummeral cancel 53 (OBERAULA), right stamp slight trace of crease otherwise superb, expertized among others Buehler, Michel (180.-)26    65,00Bid
356Vorschaubild1862 / 4, ¼ Sgr. Black and ½ Sgr. Orange, stamps cut as usual with clear single circle postmark Eisenach on decorative letter piece26,28 50,00Bid
357Vorschaubild1864, ¼ Sgr. Black, full to having huge margins, superb piece of letter, expertized Pfenniger26 40,00Bid
358Vorschaubild1863, 1 Sgr. Carmine red in a horizontal pair, rest of hinges, above and right touched lightly otherwise superb, multiple expertized, Michel 160.-29   *40,00Bid
359Vorschaubild1862, 3 Kr. Carmine red in a horizontal pair with large right margin, perfect nummeral cancel 195 (MONTABAUR), decorative superb piece of letter, signed32    100,00Bid
360Vorschaubild1865, mixed franking: 1 Kr. Yellowish green in a horizontal pair with 6 Kr. Blue (cut as usual) on not complete envelope from WIESBADEN to Darmstadt33IB,41    80,00Bid
361Vorschaubild1865, ¼ Sgr. Black, nummeral cancel 14, very fine (on the back defects), expertized Pfenniger, Michel 500.-35 90,00Bid
362Vorschaubild35    390,00Bid
363Vorschaubild1865, ¼ - 1 Sgr., 4 values superb, Michel 127.-35/6 **,37/8 *25,00Bid
364Vorschaubild1865, 1/3 Sgr. Dark yellowish green, 3 time as strip fixed with 1 Sgr. Carmine red on piece with nummeral cancellations 66 (SCHMALKALDEN), decorative superb piece of letter, expertized among others Pfenniger36,38 500,00Bid
365Vorschaubild1865, 3 Sgr. Medium brown ocher, centered two ring cancel GROSSBREITENBACH, superb40 40,00Bid
366Vorschaubild1865, 1 Kr. Yellowish green in a horizontal pair, nummeral cancel 260 (RÖMHILD), roulette not completely perfectly otherwise superb41    20,00Bid
367Vorschaubild1866, 3 Sgr. Ochre, superb piece of letter, expertized Haferkamp, Michel 200.-50 60,00Bid
368VorschaubildBÃœRGEL, two ring cancel on German Reich ½ Gr. Brown postal stationery postcard, late usage from 1876 with 20 Pf. Postage due in blue allocated, superb postcard, photo expertize summerDR P 1 40,00Bid
369VorschaubildWALTERSHAUSEN, single circle postmark on German Reich ½ Gr. Brown postal stationery postcard, to validity period from 13.3.1876 unopposed to Erford, superbDR P 1 30,00Bid
370VorschaubildInteresting lot of 9 different documents 70,00Bid
LotPhotoWUERTTEMBERGcat. no.Estimate € 
372Vorschaubild1851, 1 Kr. Black on medium gray yellow silk paper, superb piece of letter, expertized among others Thoma and abridged certificate Irtenkauf, Michel (300.-)1yb 90,00Bid
373Vorschaubild1851, 3 Kr. Black on pale yellow, blue two-line cancel HERRENBERG, horizontal trace of crease otherwise superb piece of letter, expertized Klinkhammer2aI 35,00Bid
374Vorschaubild1851, 6 Kr. Black on blue-green, segment cancel BIBERACH, superb piece of letter3b 25,00Bid
375Vorschaubild1851, 6 Kr. Black on green, silk paper, superb piece of letter, expertized Klinkhammer, Michel 120.-3y 35,00Bid
376Vorschaubild1851, 9 Kr. Black on bright rose, three circle cancel HEILBRONN, superb in every respect (choice copy), expertized Klinkhammer, Michel 130.-4b 40,00Bid
378Vorschaubild1859, 1 Kr. Brown, superb, expertized Klinkhammer, Michel 130.-11a 40,00Bid
379Vorschaubild1859, 3 - 9 Kr., without silk thread, 3 superb items, Michel 260.-12-14a 65,00Bid
380Vorschaubild1860, 6 Kr. Light green, thick paper, normal perforation, superb piece of letter, Michel 150.-18xa 40,00Bid
381Vorschaubild1862, 18 Kr. Blue, repaired like superb, Michel (2800.-)20y 290,00Bid
382Vorschaubild1863, 1 Kr. Dark green on wrapper part (addressless), three circle cancel LUDWIGSBURG, small perforation fault otherwise superb25b 50,00Bid
383Vorschaubild1863, 9 Kr. Yellow brown with plate flaw XVI, very fine, abridged certificate Klinkhammer28b PF XVI 60,00Bid
384Vorschaubild1865, 3 Kr. Rose, segment cancel copper, slight trace of crease otherwise superb31a 30,00Bid
385Vorschaubild1867, 18 Kr. Orange yellow, single circle postmark DONZDORF, at the bottom scissors separation, very fine, Michel 1000.-34 150,00Bid
386Vorschaubild1868, 7 Kr. Blue, superb, Michel 200.-35a 50,00Bid
387Vorschaubild1873, 70 Kr. Brown lilac, single circle postmark RAVENSBURG, left with complete separator line, having bright colours extremely fine copy in deeper colour, expertized among others Pfenniger and Buehler, Michel (7000.-)42a 1.800,00Bid
388Vorschaubild42a 1.300,00Bid
389Vorschaubild1890, 5 Pf. Black blue green and 50 Pf. Bright brown red, 2 superb items, Michel 105.-56b,58 30,00Bid
390Vorschaubild1906, 25 Pf. Dark-yellowish-orange, single circle postmark BRACKENHEIM, parcel card, as kept by the post office, superb piece of letter, Michel (90.-)111 25,00Bid
391Vorschaubild1920, 50 and 75 Pf. Farewell issue, 2 superb items, expertized Infla, Michel 125.-148  ,149 40,00Bid
392Vorschaubild1923, 3 - 50 Pf. On 25 Pf. Red orange, unperforated, all from right margin, rest of hinge, very fine set. Michel 125.-184-88PU *40,00Bid
393Vorschaubild1917, 15 Pf. Violet black (2 various colours! ), unperforated, with upper margin, mint never hinged, 2 superb items (1 x slightly affixed), R! Michel (120.-)252PU **30,00Bid
394Vorschaubild1920, farewell issue, very fine set, expertized Infla, Michel 350.-272-81 110,00Bid
395Vorschaubild1893, 2 Pf., rectangular frame, printed matters postcard, with coat of arms, unused, very fine (on the back defects), Michel 70.-DRP 6 no limitBid
LotPhotoWUERTTEMBERG STAMP PARTcat. no.Estimate € 
396VorschaubildALTSHAUSEN, single circle postmark on 2 Pf. Postal stationery postcard, superbDP 3 no limitBid
397VorschaubildJAGSTHAUSEN, three circle cancel on 6 Kr. Blue, superb, expertized Engel32a 35,00Bid
398Vorschaubild"STUTTGART railway station", frame cancel with two lines, partial cancel on 9 Kr. Pale brown, very fine, Michel (150.-)33b 50,00Bid
400VorschaubildMint collection Wuerttemberg from 1875-1925 on lighthouse album pages, slightly mixed condition**,*100,00Bid
401VorschaubildOld part of a collection Wuerttemberg penny currency, with good values and sets, among others Michel number 107-11 and 217-26 and so on, very fine / superb  ,*, **190,00Bid
LotPhotoNORTH GERMAN CONF.cat. no.Estimate € 
402Vorschaubild1869, ¼ Gr. Brown violet, single franking on envelope (vertical folded) with two ring cancel Brunswick, superb1a 60,00Bid
403Vorschaubild1869, 1/3 Gr. Yellowish green in the vertical strip of three with two ring cancel KOENIGSBERG PR. On superb cover to Mainz30,00Bid
404Vorschaubild2.1.1868, ½ Gr. Orange and 1 Gr. Reddish carmine in the vertical strip of three and single stamp on cover from 2. Day of using from Hamburg to Paris, superb3,4 150,00Bid
405Vorschaubild1868, ½ Gr. Orange, single franking on local letter with rectangle cancel with two lines LEIPZIG II, superb100,00Bid
406Vorschaubild1868, three colour franking on receipt from LIMBACH to Chemnitz, superb3-5 50,00Bid
407Vorschaubild1868, three colour franking from WIESBADEN to Paris, very fine3-5 40,00Bid
408Vorschaubild1868, 1 Gr. Reddish carmine and 2 Gr. Blue with two ring cancel LEIPZIG I. (without year date) on accompanying letter for parcels to Schönebeck, very fine4/5 40,00Bid
409Vorschaubild1868, 1 Gr. Reddish carmine and 2 Gr. Blue with two ring cancel KRIEWN on cover to Russia, very fine4,5 40,00Bid
410Vorschaubild1868, 1 Gr. Reddish carmine, rectangle cancel with two lines TARNOWITZ, superb cover to Austria20,00Bid
411Vorschaubild1868, 5 Gr. Brown, as a single franking on cover to London, blue single circle postmark BERLIN P. E. 6, very fine30,00Bid
412Vorschaubild1868 / 9, three colours mixed franking on piece, 2 Kr. Above scissors separation otherwise decorative superb piece of letter, photo expertize Flemming8,21/2 30,00Bid
413Vorschaubild1871, 2 Kr. Orange, single franking on cover with three lines frame cancel HOMBERG on d. Ohm, superb cover180,00Bid
414Vorschaubild1869, ½ Sch. Reddish brown with single circle postmark Hamburg P. E. 2, superb item on a little creasely letter12 40,00Bid
415Vorschaubild1871, ¼ Gr. Pale red violet, single franking on decorative local letter (above right corner defect) with two ring cancel Brunswick, stamp superb13a 40,00Bid
416Vorschaubild1869, 5 Gr. Olive brown, single franking on local letter MEISSEN, very fine15 40,00Bid
417Vorschaubild1869, 1/2 Gr. Orange, single franking on local letter AACHEN, very fine15 40,00Bid
418Vorschaubild1871, 1 Kr. Yellowish green, single franking on local letter DARMSTADT, superb19 20,00Bid
419Vorschaubild20 150,00Bid
420Vorschaubild1869, 7 Kr. Gray blue, perforated, single franking with single circle postmark GIESSEN ST. P. E. To Zurich, superb22 25,00Bid
421Vorschaubild1869, 10 Gr. Brown gray and 30 Gr. Gray blue, as usual perforated superb, Michel 270.-25/6 75,00Bid
423Vorschaubild1869, 10 Gr. Brown gray in a horizontal pair, handwritten TORGAU, very fine25   ~50,00Bid
424Vorschaubild1869, 30 Gr. Gray blue, single circle postmark Eisenach and manuscript cancellation, various defects - fine, Michel 380.-26 40,00Bid
425VorschaubildCut out of postal stationery: 1871, 1 Gr. Rose, gray overprint, with pen cross on envelope from Salzwedel to upper INGELHEIM, superb, R!GAA 1 60,00Bid
426VorschaubildNeat cancelled collection, condition mostly very fine / superb, inspect!1-26 450,00Bid
427VorschaubildNice lot of 8 different middle documents, with also foreign mail, superb, inspect 100,00Bid
428Vorschaubild8 values with useful cancel, very fine / superb   50,00Bid
429VorschaubildIn the main numbers complete collection North German Postal District in somewhat mixed condition, in addition to it service- and telegraph stamps as well Alsace- Lorraine, inspect! High catalog value!  ,*400,00Bid
430Vorschaubild1867, 1 Gr. Rose on 2 Kr. Orange using up envelope, rectangle cancel with two lines GROSS-STREHLITZ, very fineU 39 40,00Bid
431Vorschaubild1863, 1 Gr. Rose on 2 Ngr. Blue, size A, unused, superb, expertized Blecher, Michel 110.-U 50A 35,00Bid
432VorschaubildITZEHOE, single circle postmark on 1 Gr. Red carmine in a horizontal pair, as usual perforated, superb piece of letterDR 4    no limitBid
433VorschaubildLow LAHNSTEIN, single circle postmark on 1 Gr. Red carmine, superb piece of letterDR 4 20,00Bid
LotPhotoPRIVATE POST BERLINcat. no.Estimate € 
434VorschaubildPacket trip society: 1887 / 8, 10, 20 Pf. In horizontal pairs, mint never hinged, Michel für * (70.-)B 28A,29   **30,00Bid
435VorschaubildPacket trip society: 1896, 3 Pf. Blue on small letter with rare closure vignette, cancel parcel IV trip as well two-line cancel Auserhalb of our delivery district, superb, in addition to it 2 various closure vignetteB 56 150,00Bid
436VorschaubildPacket trip society: 1897, 3 Pf. Hazy blue on cover with rectangle cancel with one line return and handwritten departed, scarce orange coloured Versuchsvignette, very fine, R!B 56 100,00Bid
437VorschaubildPacket trip society: 1894, 2 Pf. Brown legitimate postal stationery postcard, box rose, very fineB P 20,00Bid
438VorschaubildPacket trip society: 1893, 3 Pf. Blue, private postal stationery cover from C. W. Leist, commercial letter, superbB U 25,00Bid

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