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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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STAMPS (3806)

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoCATAPULT POSTAL SERVICEcat. no.Estimate € 
1002Vorschaubild9.9.1929, " Bremen" - Bremen, sea mail posting, letter very fine5b 60,00Bid
1004Vorschaubild29.4.1930, " Bremen" - New York, sea mail posting, letter very fine10b 40,00Bid
1005Vorschaubild25.5.1930, " Bremen" - Southampton, German sea mail posting, letter very fine13c 60,00Bid
1006Vorschaubild25.6.1930, " Bremen" - New York, sea mail posting, printed matter, superb cover16b 80,00Bid
1007Vorschaubild9.10.1930, " Europe" - Southampton, German sea mail posting, superb cover37c 70,00Bid
1008Vorschaubild10.5.1931, "Bremen" - New York, Bring along and catapult flight, superb cover40c 50,00Bid
1009Vorschaubild16.5.1931, "Europe" - New York, sea mail posting, superb cover41b 40,00Bid
1010Vorschaubild17.5.1931, " Bremen" - Southampton, German sea mail posting, printed matter, superb cover42c 60,00Bid
1011Vorschaubild4.7.1931, " Europe" - New York, sea mail posting, superb cover54b 70,00Bid
1012Vorschaubild30.8.1931, Europe - Southampton, German sea mail posting, printed matter, superb cover67c 80,00Bid
1013VorschaubildLiechtenstein: 1.9.1931, "Bremen" - New York, superb cover, RR!72Li 580,00Bid
1014Vorschaubild5.6.1932, Bremen - New York, sea mail posting, franked among others with Michel number 461, superb cover83b 80,00Bid
1015Vorschaubild5.10.1932, "Bremen" - Southampton, German sea mail posting, franked among others with RL 15 b, printed matter, superb112c 160,00Bid
1016Vorschaubild20.5.1934, Europe - Southampton, German sea mail posting, superb postcard152c 70,00Bid
1017VorschaubildLuxembourg: 27.6.1934, "Bremen" - New York, two countries franking among others with DR Michel number W 21.3! Superb cover, RR!161Lu 650,00Bid
1018Vorschaubild15.7.1934, Bremen - New York, rural mailing, franked among others with S 113, printed matter superb165a 100,00Bid
1019VorschaubildSaar region: 22.8.1934, "Bremen" - New York, for subsequent flight, with good franking, among others Michel number 159, superb cover, RRR! Only 12 documents transported!173Sr 450,00Bid
1020VorschaubildSaar region: 14.9.1934, Europe - New York, printed matter, superb cover, RRR! Only 11 documents transported!178Sr 450,00Bid
1021Vorschaubild13.6.1935, " Europe" - Southampton, German sea mail posting, superb cover193c 70,00Bid
1022Vorschaubild19.6.1935, Bremen - Southampton, German sea mail posting, printed matter, superb194c 60,00Bid
1023Vorschaubild15.9.1935, " Europe" - Southampton, US land mail posting, superb cover212a 40,00Bid
1024Vorschaubild15.9.1935, Europe - Southampton, German sea mail posting, printed matter, superb212c 50,00Bid
1025Vorschaubild217Li 650,00Bid
1027Vorschaubild10.5.1931, "with airmail to the steamer Europe transported", air mail letter from Leipzig to the United States, superb 50,00Bid
LotPhotoDO X AIRMAILcat. no.Estimate € 
1028Vorschaubild13.11.1930, posting Friedrichshafen, via Rio to North America, with on route passing cancellation 22. IV. 31, with single franking 4 RM Count Zeppelin, superb postcard7.b.d. 250,00Bid
1029Vorschaubild19.06.1931, Brazil, posting Victoria, black rhombus postmark, superb cover36.a.BR 120,00Bid
1030Vorschaubild69.a 75,00Bid
1031VorschaubildDO X2.001.CH 900,00Bid
LotPhotoSEMI-OFFICIAL FLIGHT STAMPScat. no.Estimate € 
1032Vorschaubild1912, 50 Pf. Margaret Festival, rest of hinge, 5 superb items in different colour shades4 *90,00Bid

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