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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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STAMPS (3806)

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoOLDENBURGcat. no.Estimate € 
204VorschaubildU 2A P 3.200,00Bid
LotPhotoPRUSSIA PRE PHILATELYcat. no.Estimate € 
205VorschaubildCZERSK, two-line cancel on cover (1840) to Konitz, superb 20,00Bid
206Vorschaubild1839, carter's letter from Cologne with single circle postmark STEUER office LIPPSTADT and GÃœTERSLOH to Rheda, superb 50,00Bid
207VorschaubildREMAGEN, two ring cancel on cover to North America with among others additional cancellation AACHEN 5 Cts and N. YORK at the. PKT 30, reverse among others red rectangle cancel with one line undeliverable and rectangle cancel with two lines at destination not demanded, superb, R! 80,00Bid
208VorschaubildSCHLOCHAU, two ring cancel, 2 superb letters from 1846 and 1848 20,00Bid
LotPhotoPRUSSIA STAMPSLES LETTERScat. no.Estimate € 
209VorschaubildFRIEDRICHSBRUCH, 4 different documents to 1861, mostly superb 50,00Bid
210VorschaubildKARSZYN, 4 different documents from 1863-69, as well 3 x crown post horn postmark, superb 60,00Bid
211VorschaubildTravel, 18 post insinuation documents from the Stadt Reisen, today Rydzyna, all cancelled in travel with the two ring cancel during the period from 1868 to 1871, as well two documents at prince August Sulkowski, all with crown / posthorn and coat of arms official seal, superb 100,00Bid
212VorschaubildRITTELN, two ring cancel on envelope to Marienwerder, superb, R! 40,00Bid
LotPhotoPRUSSIAcat. no.Estimate € 
213Vorschaubild1851, ½ Sgr. Red orange, centered nummeral cancel 200 (BUCHHOLZ), superb in every respect (choice copy)50,00Bid
214Vorschaubild1851, ½ Sgr. Red orange, perfect centered nummeral cancel 1700 (ZELLIN), superb in every respect (choice copy)40,00Bid
216Vorschaubild1850, ½ Sgr. Red orange (right slightly cut into) with wide margined 2 Sgr. Black on blue on piece, nummeral cancel 1350 and additional cancellation BERLIN MAGDEBURG, decorative superb piece of letter, expertized W. Engel1,3 80,00Bid
217Vorschaubild1850, ½ Sgr. Red orange (lower right minimal affects) with 2 Sgr. Light blue (right slight margin crease) with nummeral cancel 1439 on decorative letter piece, photo expertize Flemming1,7b 80,00Bid
218Vorschaubild1850, 1 Sgr. Black on rose with town cancel! Crease, very fine, Michel 200.-2a no limitBid
219Vorschaubild1850, 1 Sgr. Black on dark rose, centered nummeral cancel 1458 (STRIEGAU), superb in every respect (choice copy), expertized Jäschke L.2b 20,00Bid
220Vorschaubild1850, 2 Sgr. Black on blue in the horizontal strip of four on piece, nummeral cancel 1036 (Neustettin), photo expertize Brettl: three sides with wide margins, the right margin is partial supplemented. A horizontal and a vertical trace of crease are smoothed, Michel 1200.-250,00Bid
221Vorschaubild1856, 4 Pf. Green, superb in every respect (choice copy), Michel (100.-)5a 35,00Bid
222Vorschaubild1857, 1 Sgr. Rose in the horizontal having full margins strip of five, nummeral cancel 103, various on the back defects, very scarce unit! Photo expertize Meier6a 400,00Bid
223Vorschaubild1857, 1 Sgr. Rose in the horizontal strip of four, nummeral cancel 906 (Magdeburg), very fine (2 vertical creases), photo expertize Flemming, Michel 1000.-6a 220,00Bid
224Vorschaubild1857, 1 Sgr. Rose and 3 Sgr. Yellow orange, 2 superb items6a,8a 25,00Bid
225Vorschaubild1857, 1 Sgr. Rose in the block of three, right stamp with plate shift (PLF 6 A1), nummeral cancel 1096 (Opole), small defects, very fine, R! Detailed photo expertize Flemming6a 150,00Bid
226Vorschaubild1857, 1 Sgr. Rose, of the same value-level mixed franking on piece with nummeral cancel 1083 (Odenkirchen), very fine (Michel number 6 error in cutting), expertized Kastaun6a,10a 50,00Bid
227Vorschaubild1857, 1 Sgr. Rose in the horizontal strip of three on piece, left stamp above touched otherwise with wide margins, very fine, expertized Kastaun, Michel 180.-6a 40,00Bid
228Vorschaubild1857, 1 Sgr. Rose, of the same value-level mixed franking on 3 Sgr. Yellow postal stationery cover (on the back tab is absent), three lines frame cancel BERLIN Anhalt railway station and red registered, cover defective and peelabe hinge spots, photo expertize Brettl6a,10b 100,00Bid
229Vorschaubild1857, 3 Sgr. Yellow orange, thin paper, with large right margin, row number 3, rectangle cancel with two lines Pain tepid, minimal trace of crease, superb8ax 100,00Bid
230Vorschaubild1856, 3 Sgr. Orange as additional franking on large 3 Sgr. Orange postal stationery cover, accompanying letter for parcels from Munich to COESTERNITZ (on face arrival postmark), superb cover with denomination value and colour-matched franking, R! Photo expertize Flemming12a,U 13B 200,00Bid
231Vorschaubild18a 1.100,00Bid
232Vorschaubild1866, 10 Sgr. Rose red, very fine, abridged certificate Wasels, Michel 150.-20 35,00Bid
233Vorschaubild1867, 1 Kr. Emerald green, does cancel WEILBURG, superb22 50,00Bid
LotPhotoPRUSSIA TOWN CANCELcat. no.Estimate € 
234Vorschaubild"COBLENZ BHFS. Mailbox", three lines frame cancel on 1 Sgr. Rose, 4 partial strikes, very fine / superb16 no limitBid

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