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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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STAMPS (3806)

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoAMERICAN AND BRITISH AREAcat. no.Estimate € 
2453Vorschaubild1948, ribbon type overprint, double overprint, very fine set mint never hinged (16 values), expertized Schlegel, Michel 260.-36-51IDD **75,00Bid
2454Vorschaubild1948, 16 Pf. Dark bluish green ribbon type overprint, rotary printing, upper margin copy, with additional franking on properly franked registered cover to the United States, superb, photo expertize H. D. Schlegel, Michel 600.-42IaWOR 170,00Bid
2455Vorschaubild1948, properly franked registered cover from GRä FINGEN, franked with horizontal pair 16 Pf. Ribbon type overprint with double overprint (1 time inverted) from upper margin (plate printing perforations going through margins! ) along with horizontal pair 25 Pf. With double net pattern overprint, superb cover, RR! Expertized Schlegel, Michel - .42IDK,45IIDD 400,00Bid
2456Vorschaubild1948, 60 Pf. Brown carmine ribbon type overprint, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Schlegel, Michel 110.-49Ia **35,00Bid
2457Vorschaubild1948, 24 Pf. "ribbon type overprint" in the tete-beche pair, upper stamp inverted, lower normal overprint, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Schlegel, Michel 80.-44INKb **15,00Bid
2458Vorschaubild1948, 12 Pf. "ribbon type overprint", double overprint, once normal, once diagonal, mint never hinged, as usual perforated superb, expertized Schlegel, Michel 100.-40IDDF **25,00Bid
2459Vorschaubild1948, 12 Pf. Grey net pattern overprint, superb, photo expertize H. G. Schlegel, Michel 1400.-56II 390,00Bid
2460Vorschaubild1948, 4, 6 and vertical pair 10 Pf. "buildings" (upper stamp with double horizontal perforation) on cover to Switzerland, superb74,76,80 35,00Bid
2461Vorschaubild1948, 50 Pf. Close perforated, mint never hinged, strong manufactured gum crease, otherwise superb, Michel 170.-92eg **35,00Bid
2462Vorschaubild1948, 60 Pf. Dark brow purple, type I, watermark 1 X, perforated L 11, normal perforation, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 120.-93IXB **25,00Bid
2463Vorschaubild1948, 80 Pf. Close perforated, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 120.-94eg **35,00Bid
2464Vorschaubild1948, 90 Pf. "close perforated", rest of hinge, as usual perforated superb, Michel 80.-96eg *15,00Bid
2465Vorschaubild1948, 1 - 5 DM flat stair, 4 mint never hinged superb items, Michel 175.-97-100I **45,00Bid
2466Vorschaubild1948, 1 DM "close perforated", mint never hinged, superb, Michel 160.-97IIeg **45,00Bid
2467Vorschaubild1948, 3 DM flat stair, type Ib, perforated L 11, rest of hinge, superb, Michel 55.-99IbYB *no limitBid
2468Vorschaubild1948, 5 DM "flat stair", perforated L 11, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 80.-100IYB **20,00Bid
2469Vorschaubild1948 / 9, 4 mint never hinged superb sets, Michel 94.-101-10 **20,00Bid
2470Vorschaubild1949, souvenir sheet export fair, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 140.-Bl. 1a **30,00Bid
2471Vorschaubild1949, souvenir sheet export fair, special cancel, superb, Michel 250.-Bl. 1a 70,00Bid
2472Vorschaubild1949, souvenir sheet export fair, 30 Pf. In black violet blue ultramarine, cancel faked (as those signed Schlegel), superbBl. 1c 85,00Bid
2473Vorschaubild1949, "cycle race" and "Goethe", 2 mint never hinged superb sets, Michel 64.-106-10 **15,00Bid
2474Vorschaubild1949, Göthe on card with special cancel 200. Birthday, superb, Michel (70.-)108-10 15,00Bid
LotPhotoTENFOLD FRANKINGScat. no.Estimate € 
2475Vorschaubild22.6.1948, 40 Pf. Dark rose lilac in the strip of three as multiple franking on properly franked postcard, very fine954Zf 15,00Bid
2476Vorschaubild8.7.1948, postal stationery postcard 12 Pf. Dark gray turquoise as tenfold franking, with taxe precu cancel from GRĂ–NINGEN, legitimate postcard, very fine, R!P 962 30,00Bid
2477Vorschaubild21 / 2. 6. 1948, lot of 37 mostly various tenfold frankings, with also mixed frankings with posthorn overprint, inspect, very fine / superb  240,00Bid
2478VorschaubildExtensive cancelled collection American and British zone including allied occupation, mostly multiple collected, among others souvenir sheet 1 used (2 x) and so on, with some special feature, mostly superb condition, treasure trove, inspect! 270,00Bid
2479VorschaubildFirst issue of stamps for Germany after WW II., interesting lot of 29 mostly different documents, very fine / superb 85,00Bid
2480VorschaubildUnused, partly mint never hinged collection American/British Zone including allied occupation joint issues on Lindner album pages, with many good issues and 3 souvenir sheets, condition varies*,**90,00Bid
LotPhotoFEDERAL REPUBLIC GERMANYcat. no.Estimate € 
2481Vorschaubild1949, Lower House of German Parliament from upper margin, mint never hinged, superb111/2 **25,00Bid
2482Vorschaubild1949, 10 Pf. Lower House of German Parliament with variety dot right in the horizontal bar of the T in German, lower margin copy, rest of hinge, superb111I *55,00Bid

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