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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

Table of Contents   -    Favorable exchange rate for foreign buyers EUR/USD = 1,043 und EUR/CHF = 0,943

STAMPS (3806)

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS GERMANY AND SO ON.cat. no.Estimate € 
3831VorschaubildSYLT - Kampen, collection from 57 different picture postcards in the letter album 270,00Bid
3832VorschaubildSYLT - Keitum, collection from 49 different picture postcards in the letter album 240,00Bid
3833VorschaubildSYLT - Rantum, collection from 23 different picture postcards in the letter album 180,00Bid
3834VorschaubildSYLT - Westerland, collection from 100 different picture postcards in the letter album, as well greatings from cards, many coloured, scarce topics and so on 390,00Bid
3835VorschaubildSYLT, 51 various picture postcards from the years 1950-60 40,00Bid
3836VorschaubildSYLT, approximate 80 various, mostly coloured picture postcards from approximate 1955-90 60,00Bid
3837VorschaubildSmall lot with 12 different old picture postcards Germany no limitBid
LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS BALTIC STATEScat. no.Estimate € 
3838VorschaubildArtist picture cards from the Baltic States, 17 various, all fieldpost card from 1916-18 60,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS BELGIUMcat. no.Estimate € 
3839Vorschaubild22 various picture postcards 25,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS FRANCEcat. no.Estimate € 
3840VorschaubildOver 90 various franked picture postcards from approximate 1902-70 100,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS ITALYcat. no.Estimate € 
3841VorschaubildGENOVA, Naples, 2 various picture postcards, in each case from port, about 1910 no limitBid
LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS EUROPEcat. no.Estimate € 
3842VorschaubildInteresting lot of 44 different old picture postcards Europe, from France over Italy to Hungaria 60,00Bid
LotPhotoNAVEL SHIPS cat. no.Estimate € 
3843VorschaubildS. M. S. Ariadne, unused card no limitBid
3844VorschaubildFleet manoeuvres, fleet review, 4 various cards no limitBid
3845VorschaubildS. M. S. Karlsruhe, 3 various picture postcards, superb 20,00Bid
3846VorschaubildS. M. S. Möve, the first to coincide the returning Möve with German warships on the high sea, card from 1916 no limitBid
3847VorschaubildTorpedo boats, 6 different cards, as well: S. M torpedo boats S 142, G. 171 and so on. 25,00Bid
3848VorschaubildNavy warships in winter - by Ice and snow aboard, 7 various, in part scarce photo cards 40,00Bid
3849VorschaubildGreetings cards, 8 various 30,00Bid
3850VorschaubildGreeting naval, 3 various cards no limitBid
LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS - NAVEL SHIPS UNTIL 1945cat. no.Estimate € 
3851VorschaubildNaval battles Second World War: 3 various unused picture postcards from navy image service, superb 20,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS - SHIPS UNTIL 1949cat. no.Estimate € 
3852VorschaubildSteamer, 5 various picture postcards from 1934-40 25,00Bid
3853VorschaubildOSTENDE, la maile Princesse Elisabeth, picture postcard from 1915 no limitBid
3854VorschaubildVETTOR PISANI, armored cruiser, unused picture postcard no limitBid
3855VorschaubildU boats, 2 various artist picture cards with battle scenes, superb no limitBid
LotPhotoOLD POSTCARDS MISCELLANEAcat. no.Estimate € 
3856Vorschaubild1903, Feast of Corpus Christi picture postcard, RR 50,00Bid
3857VorschaubildGreetings cards: birthday, pentecost, Easter and New year, 16 various cards, fieldpost card from 1915-18 50,00Bid
3858VorschaubildHearty Greetings, decorative, coloured greeting card clamshell no limitBid
3859VorschaubildAnimals, 3 various picture postcards (2 x horse and 1 x dog) no limitBid
3860VorschaubildLot of 15 different old picture postcards, humorous, patriotic and artist picture cards 25,00Bid

30 back - 30 forward - 20 30 50 70 100

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