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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoOLD CITY VIEWS GERMANYcat. no.Estimate € 
3977VorschaubildLORCH, general view over that water seen, steel engraving from Lange / Riegel about 1850(10x16)50,00Bid
3979VorschaubildLuebeck: a Sailor in his parlor, coloured wood engraving from chill from 1881(9x8)no limitBid
3980VorschaubildLuebeck: marketplace and townhall, coloured wood engraving from Bartels from 1881(17x24)25,00Bid
3981VorschaubildMANNHEIM, general view with ships in the foreground, coloured wood engraving from PĂŒttner around 1880(9x18)30,00Bid
3982VorschaubildMEISSEN, Plan the battle by Kehlen from 3. And 4.12.1759, original coloured copper engraving by approximate 1760(19x31)90,00Bid
3983VorschaubildMINDEN, plan of the castle the siege from 14.5.1758, original coloured copper engraving by approximate 1760(17x30)100,00Bid
3984VorschaubildMunich: the new academy, coloured wood engraving about 1880(15x22)20,00Bid
3985VorschaubildMunich: the Carlstor, steel engraving from Hoffmeister / Höfer, 1840(10x15)25,00Bid
3986VorschaubildMunich: the Isar Tor, steel engraving from Lange / C. F, 1840(9x14)20,00Bid
3987VorschaubildMÜNCHSMÜNSTER: the abbey, copper engraving by Ertl, 1687(8x14)55,00Bid
3988VorschaubildNEUKIRCHEN: the parish church, coloured wood engraving on d. Sulzb. Calendar from 1866(9x11)no limitBid
3989VorschaubildNEUSTADT / Danube, general view, copper engraving by Ertl, 1687(8x14)90,00Bid
3990VorschaubildNever cover by Goettingen, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(9x17)20,00Bid
3991VorschaubildOBERAMMERGAU, general view with theater, coloured wood engraving from Millers around 1880(12x22)25,00Bid
3992VorschaubildPAULINZELLA: the ruins, lithography from Pietsch about 1840(10x17)no limitBid
3993VorschaubildPLANIAN and KAURZIM, battle from 18.6.1757, original coloured copper engraving by approximate 1760(19x28)50,00Bid
3994VorschaubildRADOLFSHAUSEN, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(20x39)55,00Bid
3995VorschaubildREMIGIUSBERG, general view, steel engraving from Romantic Rhine palatinate about 1840(10x15)20,00Bid
3996VorschaubildRIEDENBURG, general view, copper engraving by Ertl, 1687(8x14)100,00Bid
3997VorschaubildROCHSBURG on d. Well, general view, coloured wood engraving about 1880(7x12)no limitBid
3998VorschaubildROTHENBURG at the SAALE, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(15x21)50,00Bid
3999VorschaubildSAALFELD, general view over that water seen, with animals in the foreground, steel engraving from Rohbock / Kolb about 1850(10x16)35,00Bid
4000VorschaubildSCHANDAU / Saxon Switzerland, bordering Bohemia: HeilbrunnenstÀdtchen with romantic Rock lines at the Elbe, general view, copper engraving by F. RosmÀsler jun. From 1820(10x14)50,00Bid
4001VorschaubildSCHLIESTEDT / Schoeningen in Lower Saxony, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(11x35)50,00Bid
4003VorschaubildSCHWANECK: the courtyard the castle, coloured wood engraving to Ruhn around 1880(32x22)20,00Bid
4004VorschaubildSchoeppenstedt (Schliestedt), general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(11x35)45,00Bid
4005VorschaubildSOLINGEN, general view, steel engraving from Verhas / Winkles about 1840(10x15)100,00Bid
4006VorschaubildSTATTHAGEN / WESTF, general view, Gunfire the fortress, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(23x24)100,00Bid
4007VorschaubildST. OSWALD: the abbey, copper engraving by Ertl, 1687(8x14)55,00Bid
4008VorschaubildSTUTTGART: school for architecture, coloured wood engraving from painted Brun around 1880(17x23)45,00Bid
4009VorschaubildSTUTTGART: the church, coloured wood engraving from Clerget around 1880(14x11)20,00Bid
4010VorschaubildSTUTTGART: the old castle, coloured wood engraving from painted Brun around 1880(11x14)30,00Bid
4011VorschaubildSTUTTGART: the Wilhelma, coloured wood engraving about 1880(8x19)25,00Bid
4012VorschaubildSTUTTGART-BAD CANNSTATT, general view, coloured wood engraving from Clerget around 1880(15x23)45,00Bid
4013VorschaubildTHURANT and alkene, general view, steel engraving from Winkles about 1840(10x15)20,00Bid
4014VorschaubildTUeBINGEN: the castle, coloured wood engraving from Clerget around 188011x14)20,00Bid
4015VorschaubildVERDEN: the cathedral, coloured wood engraving from patriotic stories from Görges 1843 / 4(8x12)no limitBid
4016VorschaubildWANZLEBEN / SACHS, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(14x38)25,00Bid
4017VorschaubildWIEK in MECKLENBURG, general view, coloured wood engraving from G. Schönleber from 1881(9x19)no limitBid
4018VorschaubildWOLLERSHAUSEN, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(14x36)25,00Bid
4019VorschaubildZWINGENBERG at the NECKAR, general view, steel engraving from Foltz / Umbach about 1840(10x15)50,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD CITY VIEWS BELGIUMcat. no.Estimate € 
4020VorschaubildQUESNOY: earldom Hainault, copper engraving map from Bodenehr about 1720(15x20)20,00Bid
LotPhotoOLD CITY VIEWS DENMARKcat. no.Estimate € 
4021VorschaubildShads, on the beach, coloured wood engraving from G. Schönleber from 1881(17x24)no limitBid
4022VorschaubildBORNHOLM (Egnen ved Hammershuus paa Bornholm), the area by Hammershuus, view on the ruins, lithography with clay plate from E. Vesterberg to F. Henrichsen by Emil BĂ€rentzen, 1856(19x27)55,00Bid
4023VorschaubildELSBURG, general view, copper engraving from Inventarium Sveciae from Gottfried from 1632(7x13)25,00Bid
4024VorschaubildFANÖ (Parti paa to beach ved Fanö), beach scene with ships, lithography with clay plate created from Alexander Nay to C. Frederik Sörensen by Emil BĂ€rentzen, 1856(19x28)50,00Bid
4025VorschaubildFrederiksvaerk, general view, lithography with clay plate from J. Hellesen to Th. Bendstrupp by Emil Baerentzen, 1856(19x27)35,00Bid
4026VorschaubildHADERSLEBEN: at the firth, coloured wood engraving from G. Schönleber from 1881(9x18)no limitBid
4027VorschaubildHELSINGØR (HelsingÞr), general view, lithography with clay plate from Alexander Nay by Emil Baerentzen, 1856, slightly foxed(19x28)50,00Bid

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