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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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STAMPS (3806)

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoGERMAN REICH SHIELDScat. no.Estimate € 
482Vorschaubild1872, ½ Gr. Brick red with centered first day postmark ALTONA 1.1.72, superb in every respect (choice copy), RR! Photo expertize Brugger1.000,00Bid
483Vorschaubild1872, ½ Gr. Brick red, single circle postmark "SCHLESWIG 11.1.72" (early use! ), normal perforation, superb piece of letter, photo expertize Brugger30,00Bid
484Vorschaubild1872, 1 Gr. Red carmine, single circle postmark TRAVEMÃœNDE, superb in every respect piece of letter80,00Bid
485Vorschaubild1872, 5 Gr. Ochre-brown with preussischem pack chamber postmark AACHEN pack chamber, R! Scarce random devaluation! Superb, photo expertize Brugger140,00Bid
486Vorschaubild1872, 1 Kr. Yellowish green in the vertical pair, single circle postmark "PFORZHEIM", superb, expertized Sommer, Michel 180.-  60,00Bid
487Vorschaubild1872, 2 Kr. Reddish orange, still used Thurn and Taxis cancel MICHELSTADT, extremely fine copy Michel 400.-140,00Bid
488Vorschaubild1872, 2 Kr. Reddish orange, single circle postmark STOCKACH, superb, expertized Drahn, Michel 400.-120,00Bid
489Vorschaubild1872, 2 Kr. Reddish orange, single circle postmark WOLFACH, superb piece of letter, expertized W. Engel and Hennies, Michel (400.-)120,00Bid
490Vorschaubild1872, 2 Kr. Brick red, single circle postmark FRANKFURT N 1, superb piece of letter, photo expertize Brugger, Michel 400.-90,00Bid
491Vorschaubild1872, 3 Kr. Carmine in the horizontal strip of four, Tu T cancel MAINZ, expertized Hennies and photo expertize jug: . Are fresh colours and clearly embossed. The two of them outer stamps each have one short perf, otherwise are the stamps well perforated and in perfect condition, Michel 1500.-380,00Bid
492Vorschaubild1872, 18 Kr. Ochre-brown, centered Baden two ring cancel "BIBERACH", stamp above slightly foxed otherwise superb, Michel 500.-11 120,00Bid
493Vorschaubild1872, 10 Gr. Light grey brown, on small letter piece with single circle postmark GOETTINGEN, photo expertize jug: the stamp with slight shading is as usual perforated and in perfect condition, Michel 1700.-12 390,00Bid
494Vorschaubild1872, 30 Gr. Ultramarine, manuscript cancellation, very fine (slight perforation fault and thin at the upper margin), Michel 800.-13 ~90,00Bid
495Vorschaubild1873, 1/2 Gr. Orange, with rare double perforation (the first perforation was not effective), Thurn and Taxis postmark "highly A. M. ", very fine14 DZ 250,00Bid
497Vorschaubild1872, 2 Kr. Orange in the horizontal strip of three, Tu T cancel KALTENNORDHEIM, despite some corrections a colour-fresh decorative unit, RR! Photo expertize Hennies, Michel 2800.-15 500,00Bid
498Vorschaubild1872, 2 Kr. Orange with last day stamp FREIBURG i. BADEN 31.12.74, as usual perforated superb, R! Photo expertize Brugger15 180,00Bid
499Vorschaubild1872, ¼ Gr. Gray violet in the vertical pair with rectangle cancel with two lines VECHELDE, superb, expertized Hennies   110,00Bid
500Vorschaubild1872, ¼ Gr. Gray violet, single circle postmark WEIMAR, superb, Michel 130.-16 40,00Bid
501Vorschaubild1872, ¼ Gr. Gray violet, single franking on pasted over ½ Gr. Postal stationery postcard (P 1) from VERDEN to Bremervörde, stamp small defects otherwise decorative superb postcard, R! Photo expertize Hennies16 150,00Bid
502Vorschaubild1872, 1/3 Gr. Yellowish green in the block of six, single circle postmark BROMBERG, photo expertize Brugger: the stamps are fresh colours, good embossed, well centered and well perforated, various smaller paper fault, RR!17a 1.000,00Bid
503Vorschaubild1872, 1/3 Gr. Yellowish green with last day stamp BERLIN N. 2. P. A. 49 31.12.74, stamp at the bottom scissors separation otherwise superb piece of letter, photo attests Hennies and jug17a 120,00Bid
504Vorschaubild1872, ½ Gr. Orange with clear missing part of the embossing at the bottom on the right besides the shield, two ring cancel RATIBOR, superb piece of letter, photo expertize summer18 PräF 40,00Bid
505Vorschaubild1874, ½ Gr. Orange, single franking on locate ornamental postcard with extremely rare two ring cancel BERLIN P. A. No. 1 (Kuphal no. 50! ), superb, RR!18 1.000,00Bid
506Vorschaubild1874, ½ Gr. Orange on postcard with rectangle cancel with two lines Hamburg P. V. 6, to Rendsburg, superb18 25,00Bid
507Vorschaubild1872, 1 Gr. Red carmine in the horizontal strip of three, three lines frame cancel Hamburg P. E. 7. PÖSELDORF, superb, photo expertize Brugger19 35,00Bid
508Vorschaubild1872, 1 Gr. Red carmine with several small embossing failures, superb, photo expertize summer19 PräF 30,00Bid
509Vorschaubild1872, 1 Gr. Red carmine with missing part of the embossing at the Plottigat, single circle postmark DÃœSSELDORF, superb piece of letter, photo expertize summer19 PräF 50,00Bid
510Vorschaubild1872, 1 Gr. Red carmine, small size (L 15) with still used single circle postmark TRAVEMÃœNDE, abridged certificate summer19 50,00Bid
511Vorschaubild1872, 1 Gr. Red carmine with plate flaw notch in the incircle under egg in Reichs, white line in the right margin, very fine (missing tooth in the upper margin), photo expertize summer19XXV 20,00Bid
512Vorschaubild1872, 2 Gr. Ultramarine in the mint never hinged block of nine from of the right upper corner of the sheet, as well the plate flaw 20 I, II and III, superb in every respect (choice copy), RRR! Photo expertize summer (for a former larger unit! ), ex Kosack20 **1.100,00Bid
513Vorschaubild1872, 2 ½ Gr. Red-brown, with horseshoe cancel Hamburg I. A., having bright colours superb item, photo expertize jug, Michel 700.-21b 200,00Bid
514Vorschaubild1872, 1, 3 and 7 Kr. Large breast shields, 2 superb items, Michel 144.-23,25/6 40,00Bid
515Vorschaubild1872, 1 Kr. Yellowish green and 9 on 9 Kr. Brown orange, single circle postmark ENGEN IN BADEN, decorative superb in every respect piece of letter, expertized W. Engel and photo expertize jug23a,30 350,00Bid
516Vorschaubild1872, 1 Kr. Yellowish green in the horizontal strip of three, single circle postmark MEININGEN, as usual perforated superb piece of letter, Michel (220.-)23a 70,00Bid
517Vorschaubild1872, 2 Kr. Orange, single circle postmark "FREIBURG IN BADEN", photo expertize jug: "the stamp is in fresh colours and clearly embossed. They has at the bottom a small tear and is reperforated. The postmark is tenuous centered mounted", Michel 3200.-24 580,00Bid
518Vorschaubild1872, 2 Kr. Orange, single circle postmark MAINZ, repaired, fresh colours and good embossed, photo expertize jug, Michel 3200.-24 450,00Bid
519Vorschaubild1872, 2 Kr. Orange, heavily repaired, expertized Sommer, Michel (3200.-)24 380,00Bid
520Vorschaubild1872, 3 Kr. Red carmine with North German Postal District single circle postmark SCHWEINA 31.12.74 from last day, one short perf otherwise superb, R! Photo expertize jug25 150,00Bid
521Vorschaubild1872, 3 Kr. Red carmine, with missing part of the embossing unusual embossment near the eagle's tail, two-line cancel HORNBERG, superb piece of letter25 PräF 100,00Bid
522Vorschaubild1872, 3 Kr. Red carmine, 2 time on double used letter with single circle postmark RASTATT and single circle postmark cork 31.12.74 from last day, very fine, detailed photo expertize Brugger: last day uses the 3 Kr. Large shield are on cover only in few copies known - breast shields postmark rarity25 350,00Bid
523Vorschaubild1872, 9 Kr. Purple brown, single circle postmark HEIDELBERG, having bright colours superb item, photo expertize (of a former pairs) jug, Michel 600.-27b 170,00Bid
524Vorschaubild1872, 9 Kr. Purple brown, single circle postmark EICHTERSHEIM, fresh colours, repaired, photo expertize Brugger, Michel 600.-27b 90,00Bid
525Vorschaubild28 820,00Bid
526Vorschaubild1872, 18 Kr. Black ocher, single circle postmark "OFFENBACH", very fine (perforation fault and some creasely), photo expertize summer, Michel 2800.-28 550,00Bid
527Vorschaubild1872, 18 Kr. Black ocher, three lines frame cancel from Frankfurt, stamp at the bottom cut into and partly scissors separation, fine Michel 2800.-28 130,00Bid
528Vorschaubild1874, 9 on 9 Kr. Brown orange, normal perforation, superb, Michel 600.-30 160,00Bid
529Vorschaubild1874, 9 on 9 Kr. Brown orange, single circle postmark CARLSRUHE IN BADEN, having bright colours superb piece of letter, photo expertize jug, Michel (650.-)30 230,00Bid
530Vorschaubild1874, 9 on 9 Kr. Brown orange, one short perf otherwise superb piece of letter, photo expertize Dr. Zill, Michel 650.-30 160,00Bid
532VorschaubildNice collection breast shields with various good values, in total 88 stamps, slightly mixed condition with many superb items, inspect! Michel more then 7700.-  850,00Bid

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