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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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STAMPS (3806)

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoGERMAN REICH 1924 1932cat. no.Estimate € 
644Vorschaubild1930, 10 Pf. Presidents of the Reich in the left block of four from the margin with sheet number, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (80.-)435   **20,00Bid
645Vorschaubild1930, 10 and 20 Pf. Presidents of the Reich from left margin, mint never hinged, 2 superb items, Michel 90.-435/6 **20,00Bid
646Vorschaubild1930, 2 RM. South America flight, 2 x as multiple franking on DOX card to the United States, superb438 280,00Bid
647Vorschaubild438/9 250,00Bid
648Vorschaubild1930, 2 RM South America flight, watermark sideways, superb piece of letter, Michel 400.-438Y 120,00Bid
649Vorschaubild438I,439    500,00Bid
650Vorschaubild439X 180,00Bid
651Vorschaubild439II,439 400,00Bid
652Vorschaubild1930, 2 RM Old-Cologne, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 150.-440 **45,00Bid
654Vorschaubild1930, souvenir sheet International Postage Stamp Exhibition, mint never hinged, hardly visible trace of a corner crease otherwise superb, Michel 1600.-Bl. 1 **380,00Bid
655VorschaubildBl. 1 550,00Bid
656Vorschaubild1930, souvenir sheet "International Postage Stamp Exhibition" on piece, special cancel, perforation separated, tear in the margin, single stamps superbBl. 1 280,00Bid
657Vorschaubild1930, center piece International Postage Stamp Exhibition, mint never hinged, superb, expertized Schlegel, Michel 440.-446-49 **160,00Bid
658Vorschaubild1930, single stamps from souvenir sheet International Postage Stamp Exhibition, set very fine / superb, Michel 560.-446-49 160,00Bid
659Vorschaubild1930, 25 and 50 Pf. "help in need", 2 superb items, Michel 145.-452/3 40,00Bid
661Vorschaubild455 20,00Bid
662Vorschaubild456-58 250,00Bid
663Vorschaubild456    150,00Bid
664Vorschaubild456 120,00Bid
665Vorschaubild457 140,00Bid
666Vorschaubild457 120,00Bid
667Vorschaubild1931, 4 RM Polar travel, superb piece of letter, Michel (900.-)458 280,00Bid
668Vorschaubild1931, 4 RM Polar travel, board mail to Malyguin, superb cover458 300,00Bid
669Vorschaubild458 180,00Bid
670Vorschaubild1931, help in need, very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 240.-459-62 **70,00Bid
671Vorschaubild1931, 25 and 50 Pf. Help in need, 2 superb items, Michel 140.-461/2 40,00Bid
672Vorschaubild1931, 50 Pf. Holsten Gate with additional franking (S 68) on registered cover, superb462 35,00Bid
673Vorschaubild1932 / 3, 25 Pf. "Hindenburg", 10 x as a single franking on commercial letter to Brazil, condition varies, Michel 250.-471 20,00Bid
674Vorschaubild1932, 25 and 40 Pf. "help in need", 2 values as usual perforated, superb, Michel 109.-477/8 30,00Bid
LotPhotoGERMAN REICH 1933 1945cat. no.Estimate € 
675Vorschaubild1933, "Frederick the Great", very fine set mint never hinged, Michel 320.-479-81 **100,00Bid
676Vorschaubild1933, 25 Pf. Friedrich the Great in the block of four from the upper margin, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 1240.-481   **370,00Bid
677Vorschaubild1933, 40 Pf. Hindenburg, watermark 2, normal perforation, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 300.-491 **75,00Bid
678Vorschaubild1933, 60 Pf. Hindenburg, watermark 2, in the left lower corner margin block of four, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (1040.-)493   **360,00Bid
679Vorschaubild1933, 60 Pf. Hindenburg, watermark 2, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 260.-493 **80,00Bid
680Vorschaubild1933, 80 Pf. Hindenburg, watermark 2, in the block of four, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 120.-494   **30,00Bid
681Vorschaubild1933, 100 Pf. Hindenburg, watermark 2, in the block of four from the lower margin, mint never hinged, superb, Michel (720.-)495   **220,00Bid
682Vorschaubild496/7 350,00Bid
683Vorschaubild496-98 300,00Bid
684Vorschaubild1933, 4 RM Chicago flight, superb item with additional franking on legitimate registered cover (trace of creases)498 220,00Bid
685Vorschaubild1933, Wagner, set very fine / superb Michel 380.-499-507 80,00Bid
686Vorschaubild1933, Wagner on pieces, 40 Pf. In a horizontal pair, all with town cancellations HILDESHEIM 3.11.33 (2 days to first day), normal perforation, very fine set499-507 170,00Bid
687Vorschaubild1933, 25 Pf. Wagner, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 350.-506 **100,00Bid
688VorschaubildBl. 2 **1.300,00Bid
689Vorschaubild1933, help in need in the strip of four on cover with philatelic agency cancel, superb, Michel (2000.-)508-11 650,00Bid
690Vorschaubild1934, airmail, vertical gum rippling, very fine set mint never hinged, photo expertize Dr. Oechsner, Michel 800.-529-39x **280,00Bid
691Vorschaubild1934, airmail, vertical gum rippling, very fine / superb, expertized Peschl, Michel 95.-529-39x 20,00Bid
692Vorschaubild1934, 80 Pf. Airmail, horizontal gum rippling, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 75.-536y **20,00Bid
693Vorschaubild538 20,00Bid
694Vorschaubild1934, 2 RM Lilienthal, vertical gum rippling, mint never hinged, superb, Michel 150.-538x **45,00Bid

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