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catalog for the 501. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

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Closing date: Monday, February 10th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

LotPhotoOLD CITY VIEWS GERMANYcat. no.Estimate € 
3917VorschaubildBAD URACH, general view, coloured wood engraving about 1880(10x15)30,00Bid
3918VorschaubildBavaria: a Choice day, coloured wood engraving to Nörr around 1880(17x26)no limitBid
3919VorschaubildBerlin pictures: the Currendeschüler - Boys' choir singing in a market place, coloured wood engraving(16x22)no limitBid
3920VorschaubildBERLIN: Library hall of the crown princes in the royally castle, lithography from Borussia about 1839(12x19)no limitBid
3921VorschaubildBERLIN: the Fuchssche house, coloured wood engraving about 1880(12x22)20,00Bid
3923VorschaubildBERLIN: the magistrate hall in the townhall, coloured wood engraving about 1880(12x18)no limitBid
3926VorschaubildBERLIN: the new townhall, coloured wood engraving to Theuerkauf around 1880(17x20)20,00Bid
3929VorschaubildBERLIN: the arsenal, coloured wood engraving about 1880(19x27)no limitBid
3930VorschaubildBy BONN: view on NONNENWERTH, coloured wood engraving from Püttner around 1880(10x19)20,00Bid
3931VorschaubildBORNUMHAUSEN, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(9x17)20,00Bid
3932VorschaubildBREISACH, general view old Breisach, coloured wood engraving from German country and people around 1880(8x10)no limitBid
3933VorschaubildBREMEN: townhalll hall, coloured wood engraving from G. Schönleber from 1881(13x18)20,00Bid
3934VorschaubildBRUNSHAUSEN / GANDERSHEIM, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(14x18)60,00Bid
3935VorschaubildBÃœRGSTADT, general view, coloured wood engraving from King from 1865(10x12)no limitBid
3936VorschaubildCAMBS, with district offices and lake, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(13x17)40,00Bid
3937VorschaubildAt the CONSTANCE, townhall, coloured wood engraving from Püttner around 1880(8x11)no limitBid
3938VorschaubildDARMSTADT: the townhall and a part of the marketplace, steel engraving from Lange / Abresch, 1840(10x15)20,00Bid
3939VorschaubildDIEMERSTEIN in the FRANKENSTEINER bay, steel engraving from Rottmann / Frommel / Winkles about 1840(10x15)20,00Bid
3940VorschaubildDIRNSTEIN: Battle scene, coloured copper engraving France Militaire about 1820(10x15)20,00Bid
3941VorschaubildDORTMUND, partial view with monument, coloured wood engraving from painted Brun around 1880(16x11)no limitBid
3942VorschaubildDÃœSSELDORF: the new academy of art, coloured wood engraving about 1880(9x12)20,00Bid
3943VorschaubildELMSHORN and the Creutz ski jumps - from the Danes abandon at the 7. August(26x32)100,00Bid
3944VorschaubildOn the EUXELBERGE: the church of pilgrimage, coloured wood engraving on d. Sulzb. Calendar from 1862(11x11)25,00Bid
3945VorschaubildFrankfurt (Main), partial view, slight traces of age, steel engraving approximate 1850(23x26)no limitBid
3946VorschaubildCastle FRIEDRICHSHAFEN over that water seen, steel engraving from Tombleson / HOW about 1840(10x15)20,00Bid
3947VorschaubildFUeRSTENBERG, partial view with ruin, steel engraving from Dielmann / Hofer about 1840(10x15)no limitBid
3948VorschaubildGOSLAR, general view, coloured wood engraving from patriotic stories from Görges 1843 / 4(11x18)50,00Bid
3949VorschaubildGRANSEE, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(13x38)60,00Bid
3950VorschaubildGRIMMA: castle Döben, lithography from Saxonia about 1840(11x18)20,00Bid
3951VorschaubildHAGENOHSEN, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(19x38)100,00Bid
3952VorschaubildHamburg, general view, steel engraving from B. I. About 1840(9x15)65,00Bid
3955VorschaubildHamburg: the new sailor's house, coloured wood engraving to Gottheil about(16x22)20,00Bid
3959VorschaubildHanover: the palace and the new castle, steel engraving from Osterwald / Hoffmeister, 1840(10x15)20,00Bid
3960VorschaubildHATMERSLEBEN, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(13x33)20,00Bid
3961VorschaubildHEIDELBERG: the vault at the entrance in that castle, steel engraving from Lindemann about 1840(7x10)no limitBid
3962VorschaubildHIMMELSTä DT / NEUMARK, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(13x17)50,00Bid
3963VorschaubildHOHENTHAN / Lower Bavaria: the church of pilgrimage to the Healthy. Brunn, coloured wood engraving on d. Sulzb. Calendar from 1866(9x12)no limitBid
3964VorschaubildYards, general view, coloured wood engraving about 1880(7x8)20,00Bid
3965VorschaubildIMMENEICH, partial view, coloured wood engraving from 1861(10x17)no limitBid
3966VorschaubildKASSEL: the trade house, steel engraving from Wenderoth / Poppel, 1840(10x15)no limitBid
3967VorschaubildKELHEIM, general view, copper engraving by Ertl, 1687(8x14)100,00Bid
3968VorschaubildKIEL: at the port, coloured wood engraving from G. Schoenleber from 1881(9x18)20,00Bid
3969VorschaubildKORBITZ, battle from 21.9.1759, original coloured copper engraving by approximate 1760(18x30)65,00Bid
3970VorschaubildKUSSEN, partial view with sailing ship in the foreground, coloured wood engraving from G. Schönleber from 1881(12x18)no limitBid
3971VorschaubildThe KÖNIGSSEE, coloured wood engraving from Stieler around 1880(10x17)no limitBid
3972VorschaubildLANGENSCHWALBACH, general view, steel engraving from old / Winkler about 1840(10x15)no limitBid
3973VorschaubildLAUCHHEIM: the Kapfenburg, coloured wood engraving about 1880(10x8)no limitBid
3974VorschaubildScience: castle Campen, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(8x17)20,00Bid
3975VorschaubildLICHTENBURG, general view with Brettin and Lichtenberg, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(11x48)55,00Bid
3976VorschaubildLIEBENAU / AUE, general view, copper engraving by Merian about 1645(20x33)25,00Bid
3977VorschaubildLORCH, general view over that water seen, steel engraving from Lange / Riegel about 1850(10x16)50,00Bid
3979VorschaubildLuebeck: a Sailor in his parlor, coloured wood engraving from chill from 1881(9x8)no limitBid
3980VorschaubildLuebeck: marketplace and townhall, coloured wood engraving from Bartels from 1881(17x24)25,00Bid
3981VorschaubildMANNHEIM, general view with ships in the foreground, coloured wood engraving from Püttner around 1880(9x18)30,00Bid
3982VorschaubildMEISSEN, Plan the battle by Kehlen from 3. And 4.12.1759, original coloured copper engraving by approximate 1760(19x31)90,00Bid
3983VorschaubildMINDEN, plan of the castle the siege from 14.5.1758, original coloured copper engraving by approximate 1760(17x30)100,00Bid
3984VorschaubildMunich: the new academy, coloured wood engraving about 1880(15x22)20,00Bid
3985VorschaubildMunich: the Carlstor, steel engraving from Hoffmeister / Höfer, 1840(10x15)25,00Bid
3986VorschaubildMunich: the Isar Tor, steel engraving from Lange / C. F, 1840(9x14)20,00Bid
3987VorschaubildMÃœNCHSMÃœNSTER: the abbey, copper engraving by Ertl, 1687(8x14)55,00Bid

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