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catalog for the 499. nordphila stamp auction (legendHOME

STAMPS (4852)
Autographed documents (6)

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Closing date: Monday, October 7th, 2024, 1600 h MEZ (10 a.m. US EAST)

482VorschaubildOld part of a collection Wuerttemberg penny currency, with good values and sets, among others Michel number 107-11 and 217-26 and so on, very fine / superb  ,*, **190,00Bid
LotPhotoNORTH GERMAN CONF.cat. no.Estimate € 
483Vorschaubild1869, 1/3 Gr. Yellowish green in the vertical strip of three with two ring cancel KOENIGSBERG PR. On superb cover to Mainz30,00Bid
484Vorschaubild1868, ½ Gr. Orange, single franking on local letter with rectangle cancel with two lines LEIPZIG II, superb100,00Bid
485Vorschaubild1868, three colour franking on receipt from LIMBACH to Chemnitz, superb3-5 50,00Bid
486VorschaubildCarriage voucher (incomplete) with 1 Gr. Carmine with two ring cancel MORITZBURG 30.4.69 and ½ and 2 Gr. With two ring cancel MEISSEN 1.5.69, scarce combination, superb3-5 40,00Bid
487Vorschaubild1868, 1 Gr. Reddish carmine, with rectangle cancel with two lines SAARBRÃœCK to Luxembourg! Horizontal file fold with slight defects, rare destination!80,00Bid
488Vorschaubild1868, 1 Gr. Reddish carmine and 2 Gr. Blue with two ring cancel LEIPZIG I. (without year date) on accompanying letter for parcels to Schönebeck, very fine4/5 40,00Bid
489Vorschaubild1868, 1 Gr. Reddish carmine, with three lines frame cancel BARMEN WICHLINGHAUSEN on superb cover to Garzweiler25,00Bid
490Vorschaubild1868, 5 Gr. Brown, as additional franking on postal stationery cover 1 Gr. Pale carmine with blue single circle postmark BERLIN P. E. 10. To Frankfurt, superb150,00Bid
491Vorschaubild1868, 5 Gr. Brown, as a single franking on cover to London, blue single circle postmark BERLIN P. E. 6, very fine30,00Bid
492Vorschaubild1868 / 9, three colours mixed franking on piece, 2 Kr. Above scissors separation otherwise decorative superb piece of letter, photo expertize Flemming8,21/2 30,00Bid
493Vorschaubild1868, 18 Kr. Olive brown, superb, Michel 80.-11 20,00Bid
494Vorschaubild1871, ¼ Gr. Pale red violet, single franking on decorative local letter (above right corner defect) with two ring cancel Brunswick, stamp superb13a 40,00Bid
495Vorschaubild1869, 5 Gr. Olive brown, single franking on local letter MEISSEN, very fine15 40,00Bid
496Vorschaubild1869, 1 Gr. Carmine with three lines frame cancel from Swinemünde P DAMPFS. On cover to Stettin, very fine (horizontal file fold), R!16 150,00Bid
497Vorschaubild1871, 1 Gr. Carmine on correspondence card with two ring cancel JÃœTEBORG to Leipzig, on the back horseshoe cancel B. Issue, superb16 80,00Bid
498Vorschaubild1871, 1 Kr. Yellowish green, single franking on local letter DARMSTADT, superb19 20,00Bid
499Vorschaubild1870, 2 Kr. Orange and 3 Kr. Carmine, perforated, on liable to payment of postage offical matter from HUNGEN to Muschenheim, very fine, R!20/1 130,00Bid
500Vorschaubild1869, 7 Kr. Gray blue, perforated, single franking with single circle postmark GIESSEN ST. P. E. To Zurich, superb22 25,00Bid
501Vorschaubild1869, 10 Gr. Brown gray in horizontal strip of six, strip of four and pair, all stamps belong obviously to the franking one only shipment, manuscript cancellation KOSCHENTIN the 9 ten November 1871, various as usual defects, detailed photo expertize Spalink: . The multiples the 10 Gr. Stamp and the form your joint cancellation represent a previously unseen, particularly distinctive combination.25 ~450,00Bid
502Vorschaubild1869, 30 Gr. Gray blue, single circle postmark Eisenach and manuscript cancellation, various defects - fine, Michel 380.-26 40,00Bid
503VorschaubildNeat cancelled collection, condition mostly very fine / superb, inspect!1-26 450,00Bid
504Vorschaubild8 values with useful cancel, very fine / superb   50,00Bid
505VorschaubildLot of 36 values and 2 covers in mixed condition, inspect! Michel more then 2700.-  290,00Bid
506Vorschaubild1863, 1 Gr. Rose on 2 Ngr. Blue, size A, unused, superb, expertized Blecher, Michel 110.-U 50A 35,00Bid
507Vorschaubild1863, 1 Gr. Rose on 3 Ngr. Brown, size A, three lines frame cancel SCHNEEBERG, a little blotched, very fine, Michel 120.-U 51A 25,00Bid
508VorschaubildLAUENBURG A. D. ELBE, three lines frame cancel perfect on 1 Gr. Red carmine, superb piece of letterDR 19 20,00Bid
509VorschaubildLow LAHNSTEIN, single circle postmark on 1 Gr. Red carmine, superb piece of letterDR 4 20,00Bid
510VorschaubildSCHWARZENBECK, single circle postmark centered on 2 Gr. Blue, superbNDP 5 no limitBid
LotPhotoPRIVATE POST BERLINcat. no.Estimate € 
511VorschaubildPacket trip society: 1888, 2 Pf. Proof in black, three sided unperforated, superbB 34PU (*)30,00Bid
512VorschaubildPacket trip society: 1897, 3 Pf. Hazy blue on cover with rectangle cancel with one line return and handwritten departed, scarce orange coloured Versuchsvignette, very fine, R!B 56 100,00Bid
513VorschaubildPacket trip society: 1896, Berlin book-seller stamp, without gum and used, very fine / superbB 204 (*), 120,00Bid
514VorschaubildPacket trip society: 1891, 2 Pf. Brown, private postal stationery cover from F. W. Large sons, commercial letter, superbB U 35,00Bid
515VorschaubildPacket trip society: 1893, 3 Pf. Blue, private postal stationery cover from C. W. Leist, commercial letter, superbB U 25,00Bid
516VorschaubildLloyd: 1886, 10 Pf. Yellow brown in the horizontal gutter pair (gutter folded), mint never hinged, superb, RR!E 3ZW **20,00Bid
LotPhotoPRIVATE POST DRESDENcat. no.Estimate € 
517VorschaubildBy special delivery company: covers ½ and 1 Ngr. Postage stamp impression right on white, unused, superbA U 2,3B 40,00Bid
LotPhotoPRIVATE POST GERAcat. no.Estimate € 
518Vorschaubild1885 / 90, small lot: A 1 **, * (12er, block of nine and strip of three), A 2 **, A 5 ** (block of six, 4 single stamps) and 5 x B 14 (*), very fine / superb**,(*), *100,00Bid
LotPhotoPRIVATE POST GREIZcat. no.Estimate € 
519Vorschaubild1889, lot of 8 sheet (100) express-package-traffic Oskar Hopf: Michel number 4 a, b, 5 (2 x), 6, 7 a (2 x) and 7 b, sheet Michel number 5 once 2 stamps and once 3 stamps out separeted otherwise complete with respectively without margin of sheet, partly separated, very fine / superb, Michel 10750.-A 4-7 (*), *1.000,00Bid
LotPhotoPRIVATE POST KASSELcat. no.Estimate € 
520Vorschaubild1893 / 4, 2 and 3 Pf. Municipal coat of arms and 3 Pf. Hercules Fountain, lot of 56 values, as well Michel number 1 (2 x) and no. 3, mostly superb1,3,8   150,00Bid
LotPhotoPRIVATE POST KIELcat. no.Estimate € 
521VorschaubildCourier: 2 Pf. Dark brown with blue cancel transport Kiel on cover (lower left corner crease), superb cover, R!A 1 120,00Bid
522VorschaubildCourier: 1898 / 9, 3 Pf. Orange registered letters 15 Pf. And registered letters 10 Pf., both cards used, small defects (P 19 punched)A P 19/20 25,00Bid
523VorschaubildCourier: 1899, 4 Pf. Light blue, unused, superb postcardA P 21 20,00Bid
524VorschaubildCourier: 1899, 3 / 3 Pf. Orange, question- and paid reply postal card single, with printing error on answer part, unused, very fine / superbA P 22F no limitBid
525VorschaubildCourier: 1899, 3 Pf. Orange, with printers mark and 3 Pf. Orange, without printers mark, ornament stroke type I, with MRZ, unused, 2 superb cardsA P 27,28IB 20,00Bid
526VorschaubildCourier: 1899, 3 Pf. Orange, with printers mark, with date bridge stamp courier KIEL, punched otherwise superb postcardA P 27 no limitBid
527VorschaubildCourier: 1899, cover 3 Pf. Orange municipal coat of arms, unused, very fineA U 2 20,00Bid
528VorschaubildPackage trip: 1909, 5 Pf. Green, mint never hinged, superbC 1 **40,00Bid
529VorschaubildPackage trip: 1909, 50 Pf. Violet, mint never hinged, superbC 4 **50,00Bid
530VorschaubildWALLHALLE, 1895, 5 Pf. Black on green provisional stamp postal stamps through storm surge expelled Postmstr. Kiel, on cover with blue frame cancel with 3 lines, on the back tab is absent, stamp superb, RRR!250,00Bid
LotPhotoPRIVATE POST LEIPZIGcat. no.Estimate € 
531Vorschaubild1886-97, lot of 340 values, with C 7, 9, D 7, from F 2-19, among others with Michel number 19 (79 x), many colour shades, mostly superb  170,00Bid
LotPhotoPRIVATE POST MAGDEBURGcat. no.Estimate € 
532Vorschaubild1886-95, lot of 327 values with 1-3 N, 7 a B, 7 b A / B, 16 B, 25 / 6, many block pieces, almost only superb**,*,(*)120,00Bid
LotPhotoPRIVATE POST MÃœLHEIM / RHEINcat. no.Estimate € 
533Vorschaubild1893 / 6, 2 Pf. Milk blue and 2 Pf. Green, lot of 73 values, no. 1 partly in parts of a sheet, no. 3 also unperforated and partially perforated, mostly superbA 1,B 3 (*),*100,00Bid
LotPhotoPRIVATE POST MUNICHcat. no.Estimate € 
534VorschaubildCourier: 31.3.1900, 1 ½ Pf. Dark blue, 5 time on so-called Death advertisement from last day, very fine, R!80,00Bid
LotPhotoHORSESHOE CANCELcat. no.Estimate € 
535VorschaubildLuebeck BHF E. P. B. (Sp no. 22-3) on 1 Gr. Red carmine, one short perf otherwise superb piece of letter, R!DR 4 100,00Bid
536VorschaubildLuebeck, 21.3.74 (Sp no. 22-4) on cover to Nuremberg with 1 Gr. Red carmine, very fineDR 19 20,00Bid
537Vorschaubild17 breast shields with different horseshoe cancel, mostly very fine / superb, pure value of the stamps Michel 950.-DR   150,00Bid
LotPhotoRAILWAY POSTcat. no.Estimate € 
538VorschaubildBerlin Kiel (Zug 63 (3 x), 64 (2 x) and 66), 1923-1944, 6 documents very fine / superb 50,00Bid
539VorschaubildBremen Norddeich (Zug 107 (3 x) and 109 (2 x) ), 1904-1935, 5 documents mostly superb 35,00Bid
540VorschaubildElmshorn Itzehö II, three-line cancel on cover to heather with 1 Gr. Carmine, superbNDP 16 25,00Bid
541VorschaubildEmden Söst, three straight line cancel, and one-line cancel EMDEN, 1879-1886, on 3 postal stationery postcards and a cover with 10 Pf. Carmine, almost only superbDR 41 60,00Bid
542VorschaubildFrankfurt Karlsruhe Basle, 1911, on 2 international postcards to Switzerland, very fine 40,00Bid
543VorschaubildGeestemünde Hanover, three straight line cancel, 1883-1885, on four 5 Pf. Postal stationery postcards, almost only superbDR P 12 50,00Bid
544VorschaubildHagenow Kiel (Zug 306), 1903-1907, 3 superb cards 30,00Bid
545VorschaubildHamburg Kiel, 20 different documents, 1892-1964, mostly superb 80,00Bid
546VorschaubildHamburg cathedral (various trains and types), 1906-1936, 13 documents and a bag flag for packet, mostly superb 80,00Bid
547VorschaubildHamburg Rostock (Zug 34 (3 x), 40, 2231 and 2233 (3 x) ), 1891-1994, 8 documents, in addition to it old picture postcard from railway station Rostock, documents Express goods through carriage and arrears 50,00Bid
548VorschaubildHanover Wilhelmshaven (Zug 538, 676, 875 and 876 (3 x) ), 6 documents, very fine / superb 20,00Bid
549VorschaubildHeather Büsum (from Zug 1141-1155), 1898-1921, 15 documents, mostly superb condition 40,00Bid
550VorschaubildHeather Elmshorn, three straight line cancel, 1880-1883, 4 documents very fine / superbDR P 5,12 25,00Bid
551VorschaubildKiel Ascheberg II, three-line cancel on 10 Pfe. Carmine, a little blotched small letterDR 33 30,00Bid

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