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lot no. 1319,  ARMY POSTAL SERVICE I. WW
cat. no.  

1917, army postal service letter-card, army postal service Station No. 103, overprint card to the best of the Red Cross the Rhine province with 5 Kreuzpfennig donation stamp, violet three circle cancel Reserve. Foot artillery RGT. Number. 13, 10. Battery, very fine

1917, Feldpost-Kartenbrief, Feldpost-Station No. "103", Aufdruckkarte zum besten des Roten Kreuzes der Rheinprovinz mit 5 Kreuzpfenning-Spendenmarke, violetter K3 "RES. FUSSARTILLERIE RGT. NR. 13, 10. BATTERIE", feinst
Estimate: € 20,-I did still not bid this lotlogin to bid
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